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2015/04/14 第209期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

EAT: Story of Food  為食之故
by Marcus Maurice

Food is an important gateway to understanding other cultures.

  All human beings throughout time can agree on one thing — we like to eat. From the beginning of human history, eating is what has driven nearly everything we have ever done. Villages have always started near waterways where people could fish. Hunger taught many people to hunt their own food. Eventually, we learned enough about plants so that we could settle and farm. We ate as much food as possible, but these days that is not enough. As humans have become more sophisticated, our tastes have, too. Now, instead of just worrying about what we are going to eat, we think about flavors and convenience. Our appetites have shaped the planet, changed history, and even modified the future.
  This month on National Geographic Channel (NGC), a six-part mini-series called EAT: Story of Food digs deep into who we are and how food has shaped us over the years. One of the biggest food revolutionaries in the world was Julia Child. This American woman was an unlikely television star when she went on a Boston TV show to promote her recently released cookbook. Right away, people were enthralled with her, and she soon had her own show, The French Chef. Child taught people how to cook better food, made mistakes that normal people make, and introduced new tastes to American people's plates. Without Child, there would be no Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Anthony Bourdain, or any others. This month on NGC, make sure you catch EAT: Story of Food and learn more about the cuisine that helps us survive.

  1. gateway n. 途徑;入口處
    衍: a gateway drug  入門毒品,
  2. settle vi. 定居(常與介詞 in 並用)
    衍: settle down  安定下來
    The couple settled in Rome after they got married.
    Henry didn't settle down until he was 42 years old.
  3. sophisticated a. 世故的;老練的
    A sophisticated man will always try to remain calm.
  4. flavor n. 味道 & vt. 調味
    衍: flavor A with B  用 B 將 A 調味
    This dish has an intense sour flavor.
    Taiwanese people are used to flavoring food with soy sauce.
  5. convenience n. 方便
    衍: at sb's convenience  在某人方便時
    反: inconvenience [ "InkJn`vinyJns ] n. 不便,麻煩(之處)
    Please call me at your earliest convenience.
    The residents had to suffer the inconvenience of a broken elevator.
  6. appetite n. 胃口
    衍: have an appetite for...  對……有胃口;喜歡……
    Pregnant women often have an appetite for sour foods.
  7. modify vt. 修改,更改
    衍: modified a. 改造的;修改的
    genetically modified food  基因改良食物(常簡寫為 GM food)
    The engineer modified the computer so that it would run faster.
    Many people still question the safety of eating genetically modified food.
  8. revolutionary n. 革命家 & a. 革命性的;創新的
    衍: revolution n. 革命
    Sun Yat-sen was a famous revolutionary.
    Mr. Jackson's revolutionary ideas led to great change.
    The Industrial Revolution changed human life forever.
    *the Industrial Revolution  工業革命
  9. promote vt. 推銷;促銷
    衍: promotion n. 推銷
    We promoted our products by giving away free samples.
    Our public relations office is involved in the promotion of many new products.
    *public relations  公共關係
  10. release vt. 發行;上映
  11. enthrall vt. 吸引;使著迷
    Al's novels have enthralled millions of readers for over twenty years.
  12. cuisine n. 菜餚,料理(不可數)

waterway n. 河道;水路
farm vi. 耕種,務農 & n. 農場

  1. dig into...  鑽研,挖掘……
    dig vt. & vi. 挖掘(三態為:dig, dug, dug。)
    No stone is left unturned as the historian and his team dig into America's past.

  從古至今,所有人都會同意一件事 ── 我們都愛吃。自人類歷史的開端以來,飲食是驅使我們做出幾乎所有事情的動力。村落總是開始存在於人們能夠捕魚的水道附近。飢餓教導了許多人尋找自己的食物。最終,我們對植物有了足夠的了解,如此一來我們便可以定居和耕種。過去我們盡可能在量方面滿足自己,但如今光是這樣已不足夠。隨著人類變得越來越世故之際,我們的味覺亦變得講究起來了。今天,我們不僅會擔心要吃什麼,還會考慮口味與便利性。我們的口腹之慾塑造了這個星球的風貌、改變了歷史,甚至改變了未來。

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