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2016/04/12 第258期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Did You Wash Your Hands?   你今天洗手了嗎?
by Igor Bagrov & Ivy Liu

A campaign held in Sri Lanka is helping to raise public awareness of hygiene.

  A phrase you might have heard from your mother many times a day as a young child is, "Did you wash your hands?" After many years and millions of repetitions, the question has become a(n) _(1)_.
  While the reminder may not be necessary after a certain time, you should thank your mother heartily since it is likely her insistence _(2)_ has kept you in good health to this day. Every day, your hands come into contact with hundreds of different objects and surfaces that _(3)_ billions of germs. Public transportation, in this respect, is an area with danger lurking behind every corner. With hundreds of people boarding every day, buses have become the _(4)_ for spreading germs, and you can catch almost any disease, from the flu to hepatitis. Therefore, it is best to wash your hands at least three or four times a day to prevent yourself and others from becoming sick.
  To demonstrate its commitment _(5)_ healthcare in Sri Lanka, The Asiri Hospital Group, together with the Leo Burnett advertising agency, created the first-ever soap ticket. It is an inventive ticket roll infused with soap. When passengers get _(6)_ ticket, the paper soap can be used to clean their hands after they get off. A special campaign of posters, showing the obvious benefits of good hygiene, _(7)_ in public transportation and public toilets. A mention should be made that in the Sri Lankan public toilets, soap is not always available. With the soap ticket, people have a chance not only to take a ride, but also to keep their hands clean and maintain decent hygiene.

1. (A) intensity  (B) solidarity  (C) eligibility  (D) formality
2. (A) that  (B) what  (C) whom  (D) how
3. (A) deprive of  (B) swarm with  (C) triumph over  (D) capitalize on
4. (A) hut  (B) hub  (C) hum  (D) hue
5. (A) to improve  (B) for improving  (C) to improving  (D) at improved
6. (A) such a  (B) a such  (C) so a  (D) a so
7. (A) launch  (B) was launching  (C) launched  (D) was launched

  1. After many years and millions of repetitions, the question has become a formality.
    a. (A) intensity n. 熱切;強烈
    The boss likes David because whatever he does, he does it with intensity.
    (B) solidarity n. 團結
    衍: express / show solidarity with sb  展現與某人團結一致的心意
    The politician joined the hunger strike to show his solidarity with the protesters.
    (C) eligibility n. 資格
    Your eligibility for grant depends on the financial status of your family.
    (D) formality n. 形式;拘謹
    I wish we could treat each other without formality.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  2. While the reminder may not be necessary after a certain time, you should thank your mother heartily since it is likely her insistence that has kept you in good health to this day.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    It is / was +(代)名詞 + 關係代名詞 who / whom / which 引導的形容詞子句
    此處的 who, whom, which 均可用 that 取代。且翻譯本句構時,通常先譯形容詞子句,再譯被修飾的名詞或代名詞。
    It was Joe's malicious words that hurt Amy's feelings and made her cry.
    *malicious a. 惡意的
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. Every day, your hands come into contact with hundreds of different objects and surfaces that swarm with billions of germs.
    a. (A) deprive sb of...  剝奪某人……
    deprive vt. 剝奪
    The car accident deprived Andy of the ability to use his right hand.
    (B) swarm with...  充滿……
    swarm vi. & vt. 擠滿 & n. 一群
    衍: a swarm of...  一群……
    The historical site swarmed with tourists from abroad.
    A swarm of locusts ate all the crops in the area.
    *locust n. 蝗蟲
    (C) triumph over...  戰勝……
    triumph vi. 戰勝
    The powers of good will ultimately triumph over evil.
    (D) capitalize on...  利用……
    同: take advantage of...
    I'd like to capitalize on this opportunity to speak to you.
    b. 根據語意及用法,(B) 項應為正選。
  4. With hundreds of people boarding every day, buses have become the hub for spreading germs, and you can catch almost any disease, from the flu to hepatitis.
    a. (A) hut n.(簡陋的)小屋
    The wooden hut is being renovated.
    *renovate vt. 整修
    (B) hub n. 中心;樞紐
    Taipei Main Station is known as Taipei's central hub for tourism and transportation.
    (C) hum n. 嗡嗡聲 & vt. & vi. 哼唱
    The annoying hum from the speakers almost drove me nuts.
    Jeff was humming a song while taking a shower.
    (D) hue n. 顏色;色調,色度
    The pottery is blue with a greenish hue.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. To demonstrate its commitment to improving healthcare in Sri Lanka, The Asiri Hospital Group, together with the Leo Burnett advertising agency, created the first-ever soap ticket.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    sb's commitment to N/V-ing  某人對……的承諾
    The president elaborated on his commitment to funding education at this meeting.
    *elaborate vi. 詳細說明
    b. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
  6. When passengers get such a ticket, the paper soap can be used to clean their hands after they get off.
    a. such 可視為形容詞,表『如此的』,須與名詞並用。
    a) 與單數可數名詞並用時,要置不定冠詞(a / an)
    前。與 no 並用時,such 之後不可再接 a / an;但與 not 並用時,such 之後仍須接 a / an,即 no such boy 或 not such a boy。
    Zoe is such an attractive woman that every man dreams of going on a date with her.
    b) 與不可數名詞並用時,such 之後無須加冠詞。
    Why do you like such a music? (×)
    Why do you like such music? (○)
    b. 根據上述用法,(A) 項應為正選。
  7. A special campaign of posters, showing the obvious benefits of good hygiene, was launched in public transportation and public toilets.
    a. 本句主詞為表『事物』的單數名詞詞組 A special campaign(一項特殊活動),空格後有地方副詞 in public transportation(在大眾交通工具),得知空格應置表被動語態的動詞。選項 (A)、(B) 及 (C) 皆表主動語態,主詞應為『人』,故不可選。
    The service will be launched nationally this year.
    b. 根據上述用法,僅有選項 (D) 表被動語態,故為正選。
  1. repetition n. 重複,反覆
    衍: repetitive a. 重複的
    Falsehood can in no way be turned into truth by repetition.
    *falsehood n. 謊言,虛假的話
    John's job consists of dull, repetitive work.
  2. heartily adv. 衷心地
    同: sincerely adv.
  3. insistence n. 堅持
    衍: at sb's insistence  某人堅持下
    insist vi. 堅持
    insist on N/V-ing  堅持……
    At his wife's insistence, Frank started to go to the gym on a regular basis.
    The defendant insisted on his innocence before the judge.
    *defendant n. 被告
  4. lurk vi. 潛藏,埋伏(伺機行動)
    None of us were aware that a sniper was lurking in the bushes.
    *sniper n. 狙擊手
  5. commitment n. 承諾(可數);奉獻(不可數)
    The company makes a commitment to provide quality products to its customers.
    Bruce's commitment to his work has won him the respect of his colleagues.
  6. advertising n. 廣告(業)
    衍: advertise vt. 為……做廣告/宣傳
    This radio station does not carry any advertising.
    Our company's products are advertised on radio and TV, and even in newspapers.
  7. mention n. & vt. 提及
    衍: make no mention of...  未提及……
    not to mention...  更不用說……
    = to say nothing of...
    = not to speak of...
    In public, Alex made no mention of his private life.
    Jamie was so busy that he forgot to eat lunch, not to mention feeding his dog.
  8. decent a. 相當好的;像樣的,體面的
    衍: decent pay  還不錯的薪水
    Hank earned decent pay at the publishing company.
    With oil prices on the rise, I find it hard to maintain a decent standard of living.

hygiene n. 衛生
衍: hygienist n. 保健專家
hepatitis n. 肝炎
衍: pneumonia n. 肺炎

  1. raise awareness of...  提高關於……的認識
    同: raise awareness about...
    This commercial was made to raise awareness of breast cancer.
    *commercial n.(廣播、電視的)廣告
  2. come into contact with...  接觸到……
    Alice screamed when she came into contact with the freezing water.
  3. be infused with...  添加/注入……
    infuse vt. 使充滿;浸漬
    This oil has been infused with herbs and spices, which gives it a distinct flavor.

答案: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D

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