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2016/05/24 第264期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Safe Delivery App: Hope for Ethiopian Mothers 衣索比亞媽咪好『孕』到
by Ivy Liu

A phone app has the potential to lower the rate of maternal mortality.

  Imagine being a health worker in a clinic located in rural Ethiopia. You are all alone when, all of a sudden, a man rushes in with his heavily pregnant wife, who is in labor. _(1)_ Imagine feeling utterly helpless as your lack of training and practical experience prevents you from saving her. Though the maternal mortality rate in the world has decreased by 45% since 1990, 800 women still die every single day from pregnancy- and childbirth-related issues, mostly in developing countries. _(2)_ The most enraging fact is that 90% of these deaths are preventable under the care of a midwife who has had proper training.
  In Ethiopia, 85% of women give birth at home with the help of friends and family who have little or no medical experience. _(3)_ As a result, the maternal death rate in Ethiopia is one of the highest in the world, where an average of 420 deaths per 100,000 occurs. _(4)_
  In response to this alarming maternal death rate, a Danish organization called the Maternity Foundation has developed a new mobile app that could help dramatically lower that number. The Safe Delivery App helps to give crucial instructions during life-threatening emergencies to birth attendants at the touch of a button. _(5)_ Testing in Ethiopia began in 2014 as 78 phones with the app were given to midwives in the small town of Gimbie. It is hoped that the app will soon be deployed in other countries in need of it.

(A) With informative and animated graphics, the app is able to teach these attendants how to manage deliveries, especially when something goes wrong.
(B) Many complications can arise during childbirth, like hemorrhaging, obstetric fistula, and more, endangering a woman's life.
(C) Though she delivers the baby quickly, she starts bleeding severely.
(D) Compared to the rate of 239 or so in developing countries and 12 in developed countries, it is a major cause for concern.
(E) Ethiopia is one of the few remaining countries where mobile telecoms remain a government-run monopoly.
(F) A trip to the hospital is thought only necessary in the event of serious complications.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "You are all alone when, all of a sudden, a man rushes in with his heavily pregnant wife, who is in labor."(當時你獨自一人,突然間一名男子帶著他那挺著大肚子即將臨盆的太太衝了進來。),而 (C) 項的句子提及"Though she delivers the baby quickly, she starts bleeding severely."(雖然她很快就生下寶寶,卻開始嚴重出血。),前一句的 in labor (即將臨盆)與 (C) 項的 delivers the baby(生下寶寶)互相呼應;且 (C) 項代名詞 she(她)即指空格前一句的 his heavily pregnant wife (他那挺著大肚子的太太),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    bleed vi. 流血(三態為:bleed, bled, bled。)
    衍: bleed like a stuck pig  (喻)流很多血
    The criminal fell down on his back after being shot by police, bleeding like a stuck pig.
  2. 第二題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "... 800 women still die every single day from pregnancy- and childbirth-related issues, mostly in developing countries."(……不過每天仍有八百名女性死於和妊娠與分娩相關的問題,大多數是發生於開發中國家。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Many complications can arise during childbirth..."(在分娩的過程中可能會產生許多併發症……),前一句的 childbirth-related(分娩相關的)與 (B) 項的 childbirth(分娩)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. complication n. 併發症
    Leo developed complications after his heart transplant surgery.
    b. hemorrhage vi. & n. 出血
    c. obstetric fistula  生產性廔管
    obstetric a. 生產性的
    fistula n. 廔管(體表上皮細胞與內臟或深層組織之間形成的病理性管道)
  3. 第三題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In Ethiopia, 85% of women give birth at home with the help of friends and family who have little or no medical experience."(在衣索比亞,85% 的婦女是在幾乎沒有醫療經驗、或完全沒有任何醫療經驗的朋友或家人幫助之下在家生產。),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "A trip to the hospital is thought only necessary in the event of serious complications."(只有在出現嚴重的併發症時,他們才認為有必要去一趟醫院。),前一句的 home(家)與 (F) 項的 hospital(醫院)形成對比,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    in the event of...  萬一……,倘若……
    同: in case of...
    In the event of an earthquake, don't use the elevator.
  4. 第四題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "... where an average of 420 deaths per 100,000 occurs."(……當地平均每十萬人就有四百二十人死亡。),而 (D) 項的句子提及 "Compared to the rate of 239 or so in developing countries and 12 in developed countries, it is a major cause for concern."(與開發中國家大約兩百三十九人及已開發國家的十二人相比,這是個相當令人擔憂的狀況。),前一句的 420 deaths(四百二十人死亡)與 (D) 項的 239(兩百三十九人)及 12(十二人)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a cause for concern  引起憂心的原因
    The economic state of the United States is a serious cause for concern.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "The Safe Delivery App helps to give crucial instructions during life-threatening emergencies to birth attendants at the touch of a button."(助產人員只需按個按鍵,順產 App 就能在發生危及生命的緊急狀況時協助給予關鍵指令。),而 (A) 項的句子提到 "... the app is able to teach these attendants how to manage deliveries, especially when something goes wrong."(……該應用程式能夠教導這些助產人員如何接生,特別是當出了什麼差錯時。),前後兩句以 attendants(助產人員)一字互相呼應,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    informative a. 富知識性的
    I found this book not only fun but informative as well.

maternal a. 母親的
衍: paternal a. 父親一方的;父親的
midwife n. 助產士
birth attendant  接生人員
attendant n. 服務人員

  1. be in labor  臨盆,分娩
    The woman was in labor for exactly two hours.
  2. under the care of...  在……的照顧下
    I had a happy childhood under the loving care of my parents.
  3. give birth  生產
    同: deliver a baby
    Miles couldn't endure the pain of watching his wife give birth.
    *endure vt. 忍受
  1. delivery n. 分娩;(貨物的)遞送
    Lily's husband was there for her every step of the way during the delivery of their baby.
    *every step of the way  從頭到尾,自始至終
    Your order will be ready for delivery next month.
  2. mortality n. 死亡率
    同: mortality rate
    The mortality rate from lung cancer is on the rise in developing countries due to pollution.
  3. utterly adv. 完全地
    同: completely adv.
    The driver's explanation for what caused the accident was utterly unacceptable.
  4. pregnancy n. 懷孕(期)
    衍: pregnant a. 懷孕的
    heavily pregnant  將臨盆的
    Coverage of the princess' pregnancy has dominated the news recently.
    *coverage 新聞報導
    Gill is heavily pregnant and will give birth at any moment.
  5. childbirth n. 分娩
    Half a million women used to die in childbirth every year.
  6. enrage vt. 激怒,觸怒(本文為現在分詞作形容詞用)
    衍: be enraged at sth / with sb
    The CEO is enraged at the news of employees stealing money from the company.
  7. crucial a. 重要的,決定性的
    衍: be crucial to...  對……極為重要
    Exposure to the latest information is crucial to a reporter.
  8. life-threatening a. 威脅生命的,致命的
    Jim suffered life-threatening injuries in the terrible car accident.
  9. deploy vt. 利用;部署
    The president stated that troops would be deployed to the area immediately.

  想像你是一位在衣索比亞鄉間診所裡的醫護人員。當時你獨自一人,突然間一名男子帶著他那挺著大肚子即將臨盆的太太衝了進來。雖然她很快就生下寶寶,卻開始嚴重出血。想像你因為缺乏訓練與實務經驗而無法拯救她時,感到徹底無助的樣子。儘管全球孕產婦死亡率從 1990 年起已降低了 45%,不過每天仍有八百名女性死於和妊娠與分娩相關的問題,大多數是發生於開發中國家。在分娩的過程中可能會產生許多併發症,像是大量出血、生產性廔管(編按:生產性廔管是指在生產過程中,由於生產時間過長,造成產婦在產道及泌尿道或腸道間出現破洞,形成一條非常態性通道。患有生產性廔管的婦女會出現大小便失禁的症狀,因而在生活中造成諸多不便。)及其他許多病症,進而危及婦女性命。最令人氣憤的是,在受過適當訓練的助產士照顧之下,90% 的死亡案例都是可以避免的。
  在衣索比亞,85% 的婦女是在幾乎沒有醫療經驗、或完全沒有任何醫療經驗的朋友或家人幫助之下在家生產。只有在出現嚴重的併發症時,他們才認為有必要去一趟醫院。因此,衣索比亞是全球孕產婦死亡率最高的國家之一,當地平均每十萬人就有四百二十人死亡。與開發中國家大約兩百三十九人及已開發國家的十二人相比,這是個相當令人擔憂的狀況。
  為了因應這令人恐慌的孕產婦死亡率,一個名為孕產婦基金會的丹麥組織已開發出一個能有助於大大降低死亡率的新款應用程式。助產人員只需按個按鍵,順產 App 就能在發生危及生命的緊急狀況時協助給予關鍵指令。該應用程式附有教育性的動畫圖片,能夠教導這些助產人員如何接生,特別是當出了什麼差錯時。2014 年,該應用程式在衣索比亞展開測試,當時有七十八支裝有這款應用程式的手機分發給金比小鎮裡的助產士。希望這款應用程式將會儘快被分配到其他也有需求的國家。
答案: 1. C 2. B 3. F 4. D 5. A

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超強收納大法 還我一個清爽的家!

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