Dogs have a very special relationship with people. Research has shown that having dogs around can help people manage stress and improve their mood. These loving animals already appear in hospitals to help the sick feel more comfortable, and now they are being brought into courts of law to help the truth get out.
Courthouse Dogs is a program across the United States that provides specially trained dogs for people while they are speaking in a court of law. It is stressful for anyone to be interrogated▼ by lawyers in front of so many people. Sensitive people, like the victims of violent crimes and young children, can find it very difficult to answer questions. These people can now ask for dogs to sit with them to help them feel calm and safe while answering questions.
Not just any dog can be a courtroom dog, however. These are trained facility dogs that can stay calm and quiet even in stressful situations. Some witnesses and victims can get very upset when in court, and children in particular tend to cry and move around a lot under pressure. Ordinary dogs might be frightened and run away, growl▼, or even bite. For this reason, all courthouse facility dogs must be certified to handle these situations.
Unfortunately, not everyone is a fan of these dogs. Some lawyers are afraid that the dogs might inappropriately distract people in the court. Other people are worried that the cute dogs will make certain people more likable▼ to the jury. Rules have been put in place to prevent dogs from disrupting the legal system, though. Thus, it seems that these facility dogs will continue to serve as a calming addition▼ to courthouses in a positive manner by helping nervous people speak in stressful situations.
1. What has research shown about being near dogs?
(A) They make people tell the truth more.
(B) People have fewer dog allergies after being around them.
(C) Dogs help reduce stress and make people happier.
(D) Most people prefer dogs to cats.
2. What is NOT true about the Courthouse Dogs program?
(A) It is only available in one city at the moment.
(B) It provides special training for the facility dogs.
(C) People can request dogs to sit with them in court.
(D) Children may use the service to stay calm.
3. Why are only trained and certified dogs used as facility dogs?
(A) Facility dogs need to be able to answer questions.
(B) Regular dogs can be frightened by upset people.
(C) People are easily distracted by regular dogs.
(D) Old dogs can't learn new tricks.
4. What problem do some lawyers have with facility dogs in courts of law?
(A) Dogs can be dangerous if not properly trained.
(B) Some criminals may harm the animals.
(C) People in court may focus more on the dog.
(D) Training facility dogs would be too expensive.