Gummy◆ Bears: Giants of the Candy World 小熊軟糖的香甜編年史
by Ivy Liu |
For almost a century, this sweet treat has remained one of the world’s most beloved confections◆. Its success has spawned every gummy candy product you know and love, with shapes ranging from worms and sharks to hamburgers and fruit. And __1__ it took was sugar and the dream of a factory worker in Germany to bring the delectable gummy bear into existence.
Soft, chewy◆ candies have existed in some form for centuries, Turkish and Japanese sweets __2__, but gummy bears were made with an animal-based gelatin◆ instead of the more standard rice or corn starch◆. In 1920, confectionery worker Hans Riegel of Bonn, Germany, started his own company with a name created from the __3__ of the letters of his name and his hometown: Haribo. He first started making hard candies, but after a couple of years, he sought to make something that __4__ from the competition. There were already soft candies on the market, but their shape lacked imagination. At the time, dancing bears were commonly seen at festivals in Europe, which inspired Riegel to create their likeness in a chewy candy. The soft fruit-flavored bears, made in 1922 and first called Tanzbären, or “dancing bears,” were an instant hit with kids.
By the time World War II began, Haribo __5__ 10 tons of gummy bears a day and had over 400 employees◆. However, Hans Riegel died in 1945, and the company had to be rebuilt with just 30 employees after the war ended. His two sons resurrected the company over the next five years and made Haribo and its gummy bears into the international household name it is today.
1. (A) as (B) which (C) all (D) that
2. (A) in vain (B) in particular (C) in case (D) in advance
3. (A) diversity (B) permission (C) combination (D) measurement
4. (A) stood out (B) dated back (C) kept away (D) turned up
5. (A) produces (B) has produced (C) will produce (D) was producing

1. And all it took was sugar and the dream of a factory worker in Germany to bring the delectable gummy bear into existence.
a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
all it takes is... 所需要的只是……;只要……即可
•You don’t need special products to clean your kitchen; all it takes is vinegar and water.
b. 根據上述用法,(C) 項應為正選。
2. Soft, chewy candies have existed in some form for centuries, Turkish and Japanese sweets in particular, ...
a. (A) in vain 徒勞無功
vain a. 白費的
•We tried to convince George to quit smoking, but it was in vain.
(B) in particular 尤其,特別地
= particularly adv.
in particular 用來強調名詞時需置於名詞之後(如本文用法),particularly 則需置於名詞之前。in particular 亦可置於句首修飾全句。
•Jim likes all kinds of movies, comedies in particular.
= Jim likes all kinds of movies, particularly comedies.
•The food at that restaurant is very good. In particular, the roast beef is really something.
(C) in case... 以防/萬一……
= in the event that...
•Take an umbrella with you when you go out in case it rains.
(D) in advance 事先,預先
•The town was overwhelmed by the flood. Fortunately, everyone was evacuated in advance.
b. 根據語意,柔軟、耐嚼的糖果早已以某種形式存在好幾世紀,「尤其是」在土耳其和日本的甜點中,故 (B) 項應為正選。
3. In 1920, confectionery worker Hans Riegel of Bonn, Germany, started his own company with a name created from the combination of the letters of his name and his hometown: Haribo.
a. (A) diversity n. 多樣性
a diversity of... 各式各樣的……
•We need a diversity of opinions before we decide on how to settle the matter.
(B) permission n. 允許,許可
without (one’s) permission 未經(某人的)允許
•Matt used my computer without my permission, which made me angry.
(C) combination n. 組合
•I love the combination of cinnamon and chocolate in my coffee.
*cinnamon n. 肉桂
(D) measurement n. 測量;尺寸
•Mick checked and double checked his measurements to make sure they were precise.
b. 根據語意,1920 年,德國波恩的糖果製造工人漢斯.黎格創辦了自己的公司,公司名稱哈瑞寶源自於他名字和家鄉的字母「組合」,故 (C) 項應為正選。
4. He first started making hard candies, but after a couple of years, he sought to make something that stood out from the competition.
a. (A) stand out 突出,顯眼
•The professional basketball player always stands out in a crowd because he is 200 cm tall.
(B) date back + 一段時間 回溯至……(一段時間)前
•Those unique paintings date back 500 years.
(C) keep away 遠離,避免靠近
•I signaled my brother to keep away, but he still came over.
(D) turn up 出現
•It was getting late when Linda finally turned up at the party.
b. 根據語意,他最初開始製作硬糖,但幾年之後他設法製作一些能在競爭對手中「脫穎而出」的東西,故 (A) 項應為正選。
5. By the time World War II began, Haribo was producing 10 tons of gummy bears a day and had over 400 employees.
a. 本題測試 by the time(到……的時候)作副詞連接詞的用法。by the time 作副詞連接詞時,其所引導的副詞子句修飾主要子句,其用法如下:
1) 表過去狀態(如本文用法):
by the time 引導過去式的副詞子句,修飾過去簡單式、過去進行式、過去完成式或過去完成進行式的主要子句。
•Henry had been writing that letter for two hours by the time I arrived.
2) 表未來狀態:
by the time 引導現在式的副詞子句,修飾未來簡單式、未來進行式、未來完成式或未來完成進行式的主要子句。
•By the time you read this letter, I will be long gone.
b. 根據上述用法,原句 By the time 所引導的是過去式副詞子句,可知空格應置入過去簡單式、過去進行式、過去完成式或過去完成進行式的動詞,故 (D) 項應為正選。
1. range from A to B 範圍從 A 到 B 都有
•Tom’s taste in music ranges from classical music to heavy metal.
2. seek to V 設法要……
seek vt. 設法;尋求
三態為:seek, sought, sought。
•A group of researchers is seeking to find a way to grow plants on Mars.
3.inspire sb to V 激發某人從事……
inspire vt. 激發
•The professor’s heartfelt speech inspired me to learn English.
*heartfelt a. 感人的,真誠的 |
imagination n. 想像(力)
•Being a dancer requires a combination of grace, strength, and imagination.
以下介紹 imagination 的常見搭配用法及其衍生字:
a. a vivid imagination 生動的想像力
•Composing a poem requires a vivid imagination and a way with words.
b. capture one’s imagination 激發某人的想像
•Space travel has always captured my imagination.
c. imagine vt. 想像
•Can you imagine that this old store was once a church 25 years ago?
d. imaginative a. 有想像力的
•The imaginative artist turned soda cans into a replica of Taipei 101.
那名富想像力的藝術家將汽水罐組合成臺北 101 大樓的模型。
*replica n. 複製品
e. imaginary a. 虛構的,想像的
•The tooth fairy is an imaginary person little children believe in.
f. imaginable a. 想像得到的
•The company was met with the worst misfortune imaginable.
那家公司遭遇所能想像到最嚴重的不幸情況。 |
◆ gummy a. 黏性的;塗膠的
◆ confection n. 糖果,甜點(可數)
confectionery n. 糖果,甜點(總稱,不可數)
◆ delectable a. 好吃的,美味的
◆ chewy a. 耐嚼的
◆ gelatin n. 明膠
◆ starch n. 澱粉
◆ employee n. 員工,受僱者 |
柔軟、耐嚼的糖果早已以某種形式存在好幾世紀,尤其是在土耳其和日本的甜點中,但小熊軟糖是以動物性的明膠(編按:又稱吉利丁,以動物皮、骨內的蛋白質製成)而非更普遍的稻米或玉米澱粉製成。1920 年,德國波恩的糖果製造工人漢斯.黎格創辦了自己的公司,公司名稱「哈瑞寶」源自於他名字和家鄉的字母組合。他最初開始製作硬糖,但幾年之後他設法製作一些能和競爭對手有所區別的東西。市場上已經有軟糖了,但它們的形狀缺乏想像力。當時,跳舞的熊在歐洲慶典上很常見,這激發了黎格在耐嚼的糖果上創造出牠們的模樣。這些柔軟、水果口味的小熊於 1922 年問世,最初被稱作 Tanzbären(或稱跳舞小熊),立刻就在孩子們當中造成轟動。
第二次世界大戰爆發前,哈瑞寶每天產出十噸的小熊軟糖,並且擁有四百多名員工。然而,漢斯.黎格於 1945 年逝世,該公司在戰爭結束後不得不由僅有的三十名員工來重新組織。他的兩個兒子在接下來的五年重振了公司,並使哈瑞寶和它的小熊軟糖成為現今國際上家喻戶曉的名字。
答案: 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D |