芒果貓:聯覺人的獨特視界 A Mango-Shaped Space
OCT.12,2020/Enjoy Editors
A Mango-Shaped Space is a young adult novel written by Wendy Mass that was published in 2003. The story follows the unique journey of Mia Winchell, who struggles with synesthesia▼. To someone with synesthesia, words and sounds can have a color or taste. Also, a number might create a certain sound. Synesthesia can entirely change how people experience the world.
《 芒果貓》是由溫蒂•梅斯所著作、於 2003 年發行的青年小說。故事敘述著米雅•溫契爾與「聯覺」掙扎共處的獨特歷程。對聯覺人而言,文字及聲音可以帶有色彩及味道。一個數字也可能產生某種聲音。聯覺能徹底改變人們體驗世界的方式。