爸媽的育兒神器、育兒神隊友【育兒生活Mombaby Lifestyle】,讓爸媽輕鬆自在,寶寶開心成長。 【寂天英語學習充電報】提供英語會話及實用句型,讓你脫口說出流利英語,不再「看的懂」卻「說不出口」!
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2022/06/07 第562期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

吃貨們學起來! 除了hungry,「我餓了!、嘴饞」 英文還可以怎麼說?
MAY 31,2022/Jerry Chang

吃貨們學起來! 除了hungry,「我餓了!、嘴饞」 英文還可以怎麼說?

在英文中,肚子餓有個單詞你一定知道,就是"hungry”。I'm hungry. 也是我們最常用來形容「我餓了」的說法。除了hungry,英文裡還是有其他種道地的表示方式,餓的程度不同也會有不一樣的說法。今天就把這8句描述「我餓了!、嘴饞」的英文學起來吧!


拯救生命的歌 The Song That Saves Lives
JUN 08,2022/Analytical Editors

拯救生命的歌 The Song That Saves Lives

  As song titles go, “1-800-273-8255” is not the catchiest in the world. Performed by the US rapper Logic, along with Alessia Cara and Khalid, the song is about a man calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline—the phone number of the title. “I don't wanna be alive,” sings Logic, to which Cara responds that he should try to see “light in the darkest things.” The dark subject matter did not stop the song from becoming enormously successful. It peaked at number three in the US charts in 2017 and even received Grammy Award nominations. However, it is the song's role in saving multiple lives that has made it truly remarkable.

  以歌名而言,「1-800-273-8255」不是世上最琅琅上口的。這首歌由美國饒舌歌手 Logic、艾莉西亞•卡拉和凱利德一起演唱,是關於一個撥打美國國家自殺預防生命線(歌名的電話號碼)的人。Logic 唱道:「我不想活了」,而卡拉回應他應該試著看見「最黑暗事物中的光」。黑暗的題材並沒有攔阻這首歌變得極為成功。它在 2017 年度美國排行榜高居第三名,甚至榮獲葛萊美獎提名。然而,是這首歌拯救無數生命的作為使它如此出色。

  • as sb/sth goes    以某人/某事而言
  • peak at...   最高到……
  • multiple   a. 多的,多種的


家居好「盆」友 Get Some Green in Your Life
JUN 02,2022/Enjoy Editors

家居好「盆」友 Get Some Green in Your Life

What can having a houseplant do for you? As it turns out, a lot!
  There are a lot of benefits to keeping plants in your home. Studies have found that having houseplants can actually reduce stress. The simple act of potting a plant, for example, was shown to reduce the stress response of participants. They can also increase your attention span. In another study, people were asked to study in a room with a real plant, a fake plant, a photo of a plant, or no plant at all. Believe it or not, those who studied with the real plants showed higher levels of concentration.


  • participant   n. 參與者,參賽者
  • fake   a. 假的,冒牌的
  • concentration   n. 專注,專心


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