法國巴黎的女主人:巴黎聖母院 Notre-Dame Cathedral: So Much More Than Just a Church
APR 19,2023/Analytical Editors

Historically, France as a nation has been predominantly Roman Catholic. These days, however, France is largely secular in terms of its culture, with many of its citizens having long turned their backs on traditional forms of religion. With this reality in mind, we may wonder why a church—specifically Notre-Dame de Paris sitting on the small island in the middle of the river Seine—remains so deeply rooted in the hearts of Parisians
歷史上,法國一直以來都是個以羅馬公教為主的國家。然而現今,法國這個國家就其文化而言,很大程度上是沒有宗教的,許多市民長期以來都背棄了傳統的宗教形式。考量到此一事實,我們也許會想知道是什麼原因讓一座教堂 ── 特別是坐落在塞納河中間小島上的巴黎聖母院 ── 仍舊深植於巴黎人心中...
- in terms of... 就……而言
- turn one's back on... 某人背棄…
- specifically adv. 具體來說;特別