¤£©}¤£¼¸ªººë¯«¶H¼x¡G ¹F¼¯¤£Ë¯Î The Secret of Japan's Daruma Dolls
DEC. 12,2023¡þAnalytical Editors

Japanese culture has lots of traditional charms and symbols of good fortune. One of these is the Daruma doll. They can be seen in shop windows and homes, as well as in movies and animated programs. People use them for encouragement and to help themselves reach their goals. The typical Daruma doll is just a round ball made of paper mache, usually painted red, with part of the face left blank, symbolizing the fact that one's future is not yet determined. The dolls have no arms or legs, and when they are sold at temples, they don't have any eyes. In fact, it's up to the person who buys one to give them their eyes.
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- blank ¡@a. ªÅ¥Õªº
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