創意無限的的樂高積木 LEGO: The Building Blocks of Creativity
JAN. 12,2024 / Enjoy Editors

For the ultimate LEGO experience, fans should visit one of their theme parks around the world. You'll find amazing replicas of global landmarks, cities, and vehicles that are built using millions of LEGO bricks. At LEGOLAND in the US, you can take in LEGO models of some of the country's biggest cities. LEGOLAND Florida even has a model of the Kennedy Space Center. The parks welcome families, so they have more gentle rides that everyone can enjoy together rather than extreme roller coasters. Popular attractions include the Driving School, where kids can drive LEGO cars. After the ride, they will receive their very own driver’s license. Visitors can also be firefighters in the Fire Academy. Classic rides like carousels and Ferris wheels also get playful LEGO makeovers. ...
為了獲得極致的樂高體驗,粉絲們應該走訪其中一座他們遍布在世界各地的主題樂園。你會發現驚人的全球地標、城市和車輛複製品,這些都是使用數百萬個樂高積木建造的。在美國的樂高樂園,你可以欣賞到該國一些最大城市的樂高模型。佛羅里達樂高樂園甚至還有甘迺迪太空中心的模型。 樂園歡迎闔家遊玩,因此有比較溫和的遊樂設施而非刺激的雲霄飛車,讓每個人都可以一起享受。熱門景點包括駕駛學校,孩子們可以在那裡駕駛樂高汽車。結束後,他們將獲得自己專屬的駕照。遊客還可以成為消防學院的消防員。旋轉木馬和摩天輪等經典遊樂設施也以樂高經過了一番有趣的改造。
- amazing a. 令人驚豔的
- global a. 全球的
- rather than... 而非...