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2012/03/27 第47期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Frame by Frame  以靜『製』動的定格動畫
Stop-motion animation is a very slow and time-consuming process, but it also creates a special magic that people love

  Chicken Run, Coraline, James and the Giant Peach, and The Nightmare Before Christmas were all big hits1. Moreover, these movies were all made using stop-motion animation2. This filming technique is still used, although not nearly as often as the main forms of animation like computer-generated or hand-drawn images. There is a good reason why it is not frequently used. Stop-motion animation is a very slow and time-consuming3 process.

  The technique involves shooting something on film frame by frame4. For example, filmmakers5 shoot one frame of a doll. Then the doll's arm is moved a tiny bit and another frame is shot. This process is repeated over and over until the full movement is completed. Usually, one minute of stop-motion animation requires 1,440 individual frames. Afterwards, the frames are put together and played one after another, creating the appearance of the doll lifting its arm. Now imagine making a whole movie with many characters and lots of complex actions. Not only would filmmakers need lots of patience, but they would also have to have a good eye for detail.

  Stop-motion animation has a special magic that people love. It is used to make objects in real life move, whereas CGI6 might seem real enough in movies like Avatar. People are attracted to stop-motion animation because there is nothing like seeing a real desk, lamp, or ordinary object come to life.





  1. technique n. 技巧,手法
    We loved Scott's photographic technique, so we asked him to shoot our wedding.
  2. generate vt. 產生
    Eco-friendly ways to generate electricity include using water, the wind, and the sun.
  3. frequently adv. 經常地,頻繁地
    Jason goes to that restaurant frequently because he enjoys the food there.
  4. afterwards adv. 隨後,後來
    Vincent had a big fight with his girlfriend, and they broke up afterwards.
  5. complex a. 複雜的;難以理解的
    Not everyone can understand complex scientific concepts like nanotechnology.
  6. whereas conj. 但是,然而
    My brother had three helpings of pasta, whereas I only ate one.
  7. be nothing like...  完全比不上……
    There is nothing like a hot bath after a day out in the cold.
  8. come to life  變得栩栩如生;有了生命/生機
    Everything comes to life again in the spring.
  1. hit n. 風行一時的事物
  2. stop-motion animation n. 定格動畫
  3. time-consuming a. 耗時的
  4. frame n.(影片的)畫格,畫面
  5. filmmaker n. 製片者
  6. CGI n. 電腦繪圖(computer-generated imagery的縮寫)

1. 名詞 + 過去分詞
The buildings which are covered with snow look beautiful from a distance.
→ The snow-covered buildings look beautiful from a distance.
2. 名詞 + 現在分詞
This is an animal that eats men.
→ This is a man-eating animal.


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