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2012/07/03 第59期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

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Nothing More American than the Fourth of July  最『美國』的節慶──美國獨立紀念日

  The US is a very patriotic country, and one of its biggest celebrations is the Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day. It is a day for Americans to show their pride, remember their history, and have a huge party. In many parts of the country, that involves fireworks, barbecues, concerts, and much more. It is not surprising that Americans make it a big deal because many think of the Fourth of July as America's birthday.
The reason for the celebration dates back to the 1700s, when the US was a part of Britain. The US was not an independent country then, but it wanted to be free to make its own decisions instead of abiding by Britain's laws. In 1776, the government took a big step when it signed the Declaration of Independence, which stated the US would be an independent country free from British rule. It wasn't that easy, though. It took the American Revolution, which included roughly eight years of war, for the US to become truly independent.
The Declaration of Independence was a statement of freedom that has been important to the US ever since. Can you guess what day it was signed? That's right-July 4, 1776.



  1. patriotic a. 有愛國心的,愛國的
    It is considered a patriotic act to serve one's country in the military.
  2. a big deal n. 要事,了不起的事
    It is not a big deal that you lost my book because I can always buy another copy.
  3. be free to + 原形動詞  自由地(做)……
    I made you a set of my house keys so that you'd be free to come and go as you please.
  4. abide by...  遵守/信守……
    We were all very angry when Jason failed to abide by our agreement.
  5. be free from...  擺脫/沒有……的
    Most private schools in the US are free from government control.
  6. roughly adv. 粗略地,大致上
    The books were roughly categorized into fiction and non-fiction.
  7. statement n.(正式的)聲明,陳述
    The local authorities are about to issue a statement about the investigation to the press.
  1. Independence Day n.(美國)獨立紀念日
    independence n. 獨立
  2. fireworks n. 煙火(恆用複數)
  3. the Declaration of Independence n.(美國)獨立宣言
    declaration n. 宣言
  4. the American Revolution n. 美國獨立革命
    revolution n. 革命

(ever) since的用法
ever since 乃 since 之前加了副詞 ever,並無特殊意義,旨在強調 since 一字。ever since 的用法一如 since,有下列功能:
1. 作副詞用,表『從那時起、自此以後』,修飾完成式或完成進行式的主要子句;(ever) since 可置於句尾或句中完成式助動詞 have, has, had 之後,本文中即為此用。
Stan moved to New York City two months ago and has since been looking for a job.
2. 作介詞用,表『自從……、自……之後』,之後接明確的時間、名詞、動名詞或時間副詞 then,形成副詞片語,修飾完成式或完成進行式的主要子句。
Ever since her back injury, Zoe hasn't been able to stand for very long.
3. 作副詞連接詞用,表『自從……、自……之後』,引導過去式的副詞子句,亦修飾完成式或完成進行式的主要子句。
Owen has been grief-stricken ever since his wife passed away from cancer.



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