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2014/02/11 第137期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Valentine's Day Is for Everyone 屬於每個人的情人節

  Different cultures have different ways of celebrating Valentine's Day. In Scotland, the first random man or woman that a person sees on the street becomes their valentine. In India, Valentine's Day festivals are a week long. Celebrations in South Africa are also the same length, and individuals pin their lover's names to their sleeve. People in Britain write sonnets and verses to each other, and they exchange love letters in France.
  Just like there is more than one way to celebrate love, there is also more than one day to honor the occasion. Many countries have their own version of Valentine's Day. In Asia for example, Chinese Lover's Day falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It is sometimes called the Qixi Festival. The holiday is based on a romantic story about the annual meeting of a boy and a girl in Chinese mythology. Also in Asia, White Day is celebrated, although it is most popular in Japan. On March 14, men are expected to give women presents equaling three times the cost of the Valentine's Day gifts they got a month earlier. Wherever you are in the world, don't wait a single day to tell someone you need them in your life because love should be celebrated every day.



  1. random a. 隨機的
    The lead singer of the band picked a random fan to join him onstage.
  2. individual n. 個人,個體
    All the individuals participating in the survey got free samples.
  3. exchange vt. 交換
    Nick and I exchanged phone numbers after the party.
  4. honor vt. 使榮耀;表揚
    Joanna was honored by her school for her excellent performance.
  5. occasion n. 盛典;盛會
    We celebrated the special occasion with a feast and lots of dancing.
  6. be based on...  以……為根據
    This inspirational movie is based on a real story.
    * inspirational a. 有啟發性的,鼓舞人心的
  7. be expected to V  被預期會(做)……
    Children are expected to listen to and obey their parents.
  8. equal vt. 等於
    The price of this diamond necklace equals my yearly salary.
  1. sonnet n. 十四行詩
  2. verse n. 詩句
  3. lunar a. 陰曆的;月亮的
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「今個馬年,『火』是強勢, 由於『火』代表財富、好運,利好金融事業,因此大市比較看好,」里昂證券分析員向香港各大傳媒的記者道出甲午馬年香港股市的「運程」。

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