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2014/07/08 第157期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Wicked Tuna 狡猾黑鮪殊死戰


  The rare bluefin tuna, which can grow up to 910 kilograms and swim up to 64 kilometers per hour, can earn a fisherman as much as US$20,000 dollars per fish. With that kind of payout, it is no wonder these fishermen are willing to risk life and limb in order to get this prized catch. The struggle goes much deeper than catching tuna. Every episode of National Geographic Channel's Wicked Tuna features seven different fishing crews from Gloucester, Massachusetts battling against fish and each other for big paydays.
  The competition is intensified by a shortage of bluefin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean. In recent times, North Atlantic tuna has been the foundation for the world's seafood. As a consequence, severe overfishing has reduced the bluefin tuna population by nearly 90 percent since the 1970s. In fact, the International Union of Conservation of Nature lists the bluefin tuna as endangered and at serious risk of being extinct in the very near future. Wicked Tuna shows the struggling fishermen trying to make ends meet by catching one of these prized commodities, while the world attempts to balance the high cost of overfishing.



  1. be willing to V  願意……
    Michael loves Sherry so much that he is willing to do anything for her.
  2. risk life and limb  冒生命危險
    The lion tamer risked life and limb whenever he entered the lion's cage.
  3. battle against...  與……搏鬥
    While Karen was battling against the flu, she still had to go to work.
  4. competition n. 競爭;競賽
    There is fierce competition between those two companies.
  5. intensify vt. & vi. 使……加劇,增強
    The playoffs really started to intensify in the semi-finals.
  6. severe a. 嚴重的,劇烈的
    The pain in Albert's back was so severe that he couldn't sleep.
  7. endangered a. 瀕臨絕種的
    We need to protect these endangered species.
  8. balance vt. & vi. 使……平衡
    It is not easy for Max to balance his work and family.
  1. wicked a. 頑皮的,淘氣的
  2. tuna n. 鮪魚(單複數同形,亦可寫成 tuna fish);鮪魚肉(不可數)
    (本文第二段第二句 North Atlantic tuna has been the foundation for the world's seafood. 上列句中 tuna 指『鮪魚肉』,是不可數名詞,故之後使用第三人稱單數完成式動詞 has been(一直是)。)
  3. navigate vt.(水上)航行
  4. payout n. 大筆付款
  5. shortagen. 缺乏,短缺
  6. overfishing n. 捕撈過度
  7. extinct a. 滅絕的,絕種的
  8. commodity n. 商品

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