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2014/11/11 第174期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Eat Street 3  街頭餐車美食秀 3


  In our fast-paced world, people know what they want, and they want everything now. While that attitude is fine when it comes to getting television shows, movies, and music quickly and conveniently, it is quite unhealthy when those same expectations extend toward eating food. Fortunately, though, for people all across North America who want high-quality meals on the go, there are many options. National Geographic Channel's show, Eat Street 3, features a variety of vendors serving one-of-a-kind meals all from the back of a truck.
  Eat Street 3 travels to different cities in America and Canada to find the very best food trucks. Whether it is southern barbecue served in
tortillas topped with feta cheese2, or fish and chips soaked3 in beer and fried perfectly, these trucks know how to get creative. In one episode4, a Baltimore vendor stuffs crabmeat, bacon, and macaroni5 and cheese into a mouthwatering waffle cone. These meals may fall somewhere between madness and genius, but the lines that circle around the block for these food trucks show how successful they are. These tasty treats and more are waiting in Eat Street 3.



  1. attitude n. 態度
    Lisa has a positive attitude towards her future with this company.
  2. unhealthy a. 有害健康的
    Society is blind to the fact that being too thin is unhealthy.
    * be blind to...  對……視若無睹
  3. expectation n. 期待,期望
    It seems that Andy will never get married because no one can meet his high expectations.
    * meet sb's expectations  符合某人的期待
  4. extend vi. & vt. 延伸,擴展
    The branches of the tree extended towards the sky.
  5. option n. 選擇
    Linda had no option but to lend her sister the money for rent.
  6. one-of-a-kind  獨一無二的
    Those one-of-a-kind characters in the movie made it popular.
  7. top vt. 蓋上/加上……
    Betty's cheesecake is topped with a layer of chocolate mousse.
  8. stuff...into...  把……塞入……
    Mom stuffed bread crumbs and spices into the turkey.
    * crumb n. 麵包屑
  1. tortilla n. 墨西哥薄玉米餅
  2. feta cheese n. 羊奶乾酪
  3. soak vt. & vi. 浸泡
  4. episode n. (電視連續劇中的)一集
  5. macaroni n. 通心麵


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