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2015/11/17 第221期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Richard Hammond's Wildest Weather  天氣也瘋狂


   Surprisingly enough, Mount Washington in New Hampshire is the site of the worst weather anywhere on Earth. On April 12, 1934, a weather station recorded the fastest wind speed ever at 231 miles an hour. In fact, this is nearly three times as strong as a typical hurricane or typhoon. Remarkably, winds will reach hurricane speeds on Mount Washington more than 100 days a year. This incredible force has done more than its fair share of damage to the planet, but few of us know how it works. Now, television presenter Richard Hammond explores the science of weather in National Geographic Channel's (NGC) new show, Richard Hammond's Wildest Weather.
  In one episode, Hammond stands in the middle of an open field and explains how to predict the weather by watching the clouds. For example, stand with your back against the wind and watch which direction the clouds are moving. If the clouds are moving from right to left, then weather conditions will improve. If, however, clouds are going in the opposite direction, then conditions are likely to get much worse. Hammond explains this and much more in NGC's Richard Hammond's Wildest Weather, which comes out this month.


  令人驚訝的是,位於新罕布什爾州的華盛頓山是地球上天氣最惡劣的地方。1934 年四月十二日時,一個天氣觀測站紀錄到了每小時兩百三十一英里的最快風速。事實上,這風速幾乎比典型的颶風或者颱風還要強上三倍。驚人的是,華盛頓山的風速一年中會有一百多天達到颶風級速。這股驚人的力量對地球造成了許多損害,但很少人知道這是如何作用的。現在,電視節目主持人李查•哈蒙德將在國家地理頻道(NGC)的新節目《天氣也瘋狂》裡探索天氣的科學。

  1. more than one's fair share of...  某人有太多……
    Emily has had more than her fair share of bad luck recently.
  2. damage n. 損害;傷害
    The earthquake caused great damage to the country.
  3. in the middle of...  在……中間
    The car accident took place in the middle of the night.
  4. predict vt. 預測
    The fortune teller predicted that Sue would become rich.
  5. condition n. 情況;條件
    Shortly after surgery, the patient was in stable condition.
    * stable a. 穩定的;平穩的
  6. improve vi. & vt. 改善;(使)進步
    The company adopted a new policy, hoping to improve efficiency.
    * efficiency n. 效率
  7. opposite a. 相反的 & n. 相反的人(事物)
    My older sister is a smart person and I am just the opposite.
  8. be likely to V  有可能(做)……
    Doing anything recklessly is likely to invite trouble.
    * recklessly adv. 莽撞地;馬虎地
  1. hurricane n. 颶風
  2. episode n.(電視劇的)一集;事件


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