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2015/12/15 第225期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Breakthrough  科技大突破


   National Geographic Channel (NGC) and General Electric (GE) are teaming up for a new series called Breakthrough. Each episode in the series will investigate how the advancements made in the fields of science, medicine, and technology will change our lives in the very near future. What's more, each episode has been directed by some of Hollywood's best filmmakers to bring these scientific advancements to life on television.
   In the episode titled, "How Long Can We Live?," Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard explains the science behind aging and explores whether or not it is possible to live forever. The episode features 21-year-old scientist Laura Deming, who entered MIT at the young age of 14, and her passion for stretching the human lifespan. Through Howard's amazing storytelling and Deming's research, this episode explores how it may be possible one day to live our entire lives disease-free. Other episodes question whether today's research may lead to limitless green energy or how humans may wind up living as cyborgs. To find out more incredible discoveries, do not miss NGC and GE's new show, Breakthrough, which comes out this month.



  1. team up  合作
    Let's team up to finish the project.
  2. investigate vt. 查明,研究;調查
    Dr. Lee was sent to help investigate the murder.
  3. advancement n. 進步;進展
    Victor quit his last job because there was no room for advancement.
  4. scientific a. 科學的
    Kyle is good at doing scientific experiments.
  5. age vi. & vt. 使變老
    aging n. 老化
    Bruce was worried his classmates would notice how much he aged at the reunion.
  6. stretch vt. & vi. 拉長;伸展(肢體)
    Whenever Paul starts to feel sleepy, he stands up and stretches.
  7. limitless a. 無限的;沒有限制的
    There are limitless possibilities if you keep an open mind.
  8. wind vi. & vt. 蜿蜒;纏繞(三態為:wind, wound [ wZUnd ], wound)
    wind up V-ing  最後(做)……
    = end up V-ing
    Steve wound up wishing he'd never come to this party.
  1. breakthrough n. 突破;重大進展
  2. filmmaker n. 電影製作人(尤指導演或製片人)
  3. MIT  麻省理工學院(= Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  4. lifespan n.(人的)平均壽命;(物的)使用壽命
  5. research n. 研究(不可數)
  6. cyborg n. 電子人,半機器人



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