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2016/08/23 第262期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Waste Not, Want Not   珍惜食材零浪費 ── WeFood 剩食超市

  Have you ever checked the label on a milk container and worried that it was expired? Maybe you opened it and smelled the milk, and believed it was OK. Then, you bravely took a sip, and it turned out that the milk tasted exactly the same as it did the previous day.
  When someone walks into a supermarket and looks at the labels on food, they are often not interested when the final date is close. The problem is that a lot of food goes to waste because of this.
  WeFood, a supermarket in Copenhagen, Denmark, is trying to change this. All the food in its store is 50% cheaper than other grocery stores, but this is because all the food is past the expiration dates. WeFood aims to attract two kinds of people ─ low-income customers and those concerned about waste.
  Overall, Denmark is doing a good job of lowering food waste. Over the past five years, waste has gone down by 25%. If WeFood catches on, this type of grocery store could be a hit around the world.


  位於丹麥哥本哈根的超市 ── WeFood,正試圖改變這種情形。店內所有食物的價格都比其他雜貨店便宜 50%,但這是因為所有的食物都過期了。WeFood 旨在吸引兩種人購買 ── 低收入的顧客和那些關切食物浪費的人。
  總的來說,丹麥在減少食物浪費上做得很好。過去五年來,食物浪費已經降低了 25%。如果 WeFood 成為趨勢,這類型的雜貨店將在全球各地受到歡迎。

  1. label n. 標籤
    The traveler attached a label to his suitcase.
  2. bravely adv. 勇敢地
    There's no way out of this situation except to face it bravely.
  3. it turns out that...  結果……
    It turned out that James was lying to me about everything.
  4. aim to V  旨在……,以……為目的
    Anna aims to win the English speech contest.
  5. attract vt. 吸引
    This sale has attracted many shoppers.
  6. be concerned about...  關切/心……
    The parents were concerned about their son's future.
  7. lower vt. 降低
    The doctor lowered his voice when he told me the bad news.
  8. catch on  受歡迎,流行
    I believe that the dress you designed will catch on soon.

expire 的相關用法
本文 "Have you ever checked the label on a milk container and worried that it was expired?" 中的 expire 為動詞,表『期滿』或『過期』,這裡的 expired 作形容詞使用,其名詞 expiration 意思是『過期』,所以 expiration date 指的是食品或證件的『有效期限』,過了此期限就算過期。例︰

My passport expires next week.


The mayor's term expires at the end of December.

鬼門開、心驚驚 十大禁忌不可不知


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