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9999/12/31 第274期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Highway Thru Hell 4  地獄公路即刻救援 4
Keeping this road open can be hell.


  In British Columbia, a province in western Canada, there is a section of Highway 5, called the Coquihalla Highway — or "the Coq" for short. It is an important path for semi-trailer trucks that drive through the Cascade Mountains. The highway runs along dangerous cliffs and through narrow mountain passes. Even though the road is safe for most of the year, in winter, drivers must deal with the dangers of snow storms. This makes it one of the most dangerous roads in North America. When there are accidents on the highway, rescue teams must try to keep the road open and safe for other drivers. Their hard work saves others from possible death.
  Jamie Davis and his towing company, Jamie Davis Heavy Rescue, have been responsible for providing the rescue services along the Coq for the last ten years. And since 2012, a camera crew has followed these hardworking men and women who risk their lives to keep the Coq open. The result is a reality TV series called Highway Thru Hell.
  This month, tune in to NGC and experience all the excitement and danger of Highway Thru Hell 4.


  在加拿大西部一個名為英屬哥倫比亞的省裡,其五號公路上有一段稱為高貴哈拉公路的路段 ─ 或簡稱為 the Coq。這是條開半拖掛車穿越喀斯開山脈很重要的路段。  這條公路的沿路上有險象環生的斷崖且需通過狹窄的山路。雖然一年之中大部分的時間這條公路都很安全,但冬天時,駕駛們必須要應付暴風雪的危險。這讓高貴哈拉公路成為北美最危險的路段之一。公路上發生事故時,救援隊為了其他駕駛人而必須試圖讓公路保持暢通及安全。他們的辛苦拯救其他人免於可能的死亡。
  傑米•戴維斯和他的拖車公司『傑米•戴維斯重裝救援』在過去十年來一直負責提供高貴哈拉公路的救援服務。從 2012 年起,一組攝影人員跟著這些冒著生命危險來保持高貴哈拉公路暢通、辛勤工作的男女。其結果是拍攝出一系列叫作《地獄公路即刻救援》的實境電視節目。
  這個月,收看國家地理頻道來體驗《地獄公路即刻救援 4》帶來所有的刺激和危險。

  1. highway n. 公路
    The highway was very crowded because everyone was headed home for the holiday.
  2. for short  簡稱
    My name is Marcus, but you can call me Marc for short.
  3. save A from B  拯救 A 免於/遠離 B
    The firemen put themselves in harm's way to save people from the fire.
  4. tow vt. 拖,拉
    All illegally parked cars will be towed away.
  5. hardworking a. 努力工作的;勤奮的
    Who is the most hardworking student in your class?
  6. risk sb's life  某人冒著生命危險
    The fireman risked his life to save the child.

province n. 省;州
semi-  表『(一)半……』之意的字首
cliff n. 懸崖
rescue a. 援救的(名詞作形容詞用)
crew n. 工作人員(集合名詞)

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