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2014/06/09 第91期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

5 Grammatical Mistakes That Instantly Reveal People's Ignorance
老外最容易犯的 5個文法錯誤


不要以為美國人、英國人講英文就不會錯,很多老外基本上是its 和it’s不分;their和they’re也糊在一起。老外會犯的文法錯誤和我們真的很不一樣。很多人發現原來母語人士也一樣會犯英語錯,心上一塊石頭馬上掉了下來,踏實多了,所以讀這篇文章有舒緩效果。進入本文前,請先想想以下英文詞彙: 

a) 同音異意
b) 令人討厭的
c) 所有格的撇號

For some people, all it takes is a single text, instant message or comment on Facebook to reveal their poor grasp of the English language. a) Homophones — words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings — can be particularly b) pesky. 1) Regardless, you should never choose incorrectly any of the following five homophones:
對某些人而言, 單單只是一個簡訊, 即時訊息或是在臉書上發表評論, 即透露出所掌握的英語用語貧乏。同音詞 – 發音相同,但拼寫和意義不同 –  特別麻煩。
無論如何,下列5 種同音字, 永遠不要選擇錯誤:

1. "Your" vs. "You're"
"Your" is a possessive pronoun, while "you're" is a contraction of "you are."
Example 1: I think your suggestion works.  Example 2: You're pretty.

1.“你的”  和 “你是”
“Your” 是代名詞, “You’re” 是 “You are” 的縮寫。例句1: 我認為你的建議會成功。
例句1:  你是漂亮的。

2. "Its" vs. "It’s"
Normally, an c) apostrophe symbolizes possession of the noun, as in, "I took the dog's bone."
But it is different with “its” and “it’s”. Use "its" as the possessive pronoun and "it's" for the shortened version of "it is."
Example 1: The Company is hoping to increase its sales figures. Example 2: It's going to rain.

2.  “它的” 和 “它是”
“its ”為所有格代名詞,“it’s”為 “It is ” 的縮寫。

3. "Then" vs. "Than"
"Then" conveys time, while "than" is used for comparison.
Example 1: We left the party and then went home.
Example 2: Susan looks younger than she is.

3. “然後” 和 “比..”
“Then”傳達時間的順序,而“than ”是用於比較。

4. "Into" vs. "In To"
"Into" is a preposition that indicates movement or transformation, while "in to," as two separate words, does not.
Example 1: We drove the car into the lake.
Example 2: I 2) turned my test in to the teacher.
In the latter example, if you wrote "into," you're implying you literally changed your test into your teacher. Try speaking the sentence concerned aloud, pausing distinctly between “in” and “to.” If the result sounds wrong, you probably need “into.”

4. “進入..”
“Into” 是介係詞,表示動作或轉變,而“in to,”作為兩個單獨的詞,卻不是相同意思。
例如 1:我們將車開入湖中。
例如 2:我把我的測驗卷繳交給老師。
在後面的例子中,如果你寫了“into,”就字面意思, 你暗示你把考試變成你的老師。試著大聲念你覺得有疑問的句子, 在 “in” 和 “to” 之間停頓。 如果聽起來不對, 你可能需要用 “into” 。

5. "Alot" vs. “A lot”
"Alot" isn't a word. This phrase to express “many” is always two separate words: a lot.

5.  “很多”
“Alot” 不是一個字。 表示 “很多” , 永遠是兩個分開的字 “a lot” 。

That’s the thing about language. It is intended to convey ideas, instructions and other specific things. If we are not all using a general set of rules, it defeats the purpose of having language. So next time, be careful of the words you choose. They may sound similar, but sometimes with completely opposite meanings.

有關於語言的東西。它的目的在於傳遞思想,教育和表達明確的事物。如果我們不使用一套通用的規則, 會違背了語言的目的。因此,下一次,要小心選擇用字,他們或許聽起來很相似, 卻往往有著完全不相同的意思。

1. Regardless   無論如何
He runs every day regardless of the weather.
不論天氣如何, 他每天跑步。

2. Turn (something) in or turn in (something)  繳交(某樣東西)
Turn in  本文這裡指「繳交某樣東西 」, 意思和 hand in 相同。
He turned in (handed in) his application last week.
Students should turn in their papers this Friday. 學生需要在本週五繳交作業。
He turned the car in the parking lot


  1. You'd never guess he is a CEO because he doesn't look like. 你一定猜不到他是CEO,因為他沒那個樣。
  2. We had big welcome to the visit of Lady Gaga. 我們熱烈歡迎Lady Gaga的到訪。
  3. The elevator girl touched the buttons on the elevator. 電梯小姐按下了樓層的按鈕。
  4. The bookworms can't wait to read farther in the fiction. 小說書迷們迫不及待地往下讀。
  5. My blind-date freed my pigeon last night. 我昨天相親的對象爽約(放我鴿子)。


  1. You'd never guess he's a CEO. He doesn't look the part at all.
    look the part看起來適合某個角色。如:In order to look the part of a host, I dressed up.
  2. We rolled out the red carpet for Lady Gaga's visit.
    roll out the red carpet for sb. 表示熱烈地歡迎。
  3. The elevator girl pressed the button on the elevator.
  4. The bookworms can't wait to read further in the book.
    farther指的是身體上距離,如:Migratory birds travel farther south. 候鳥往更南的地方飛去;而further指得是意識形態上的距離,如:further information and further detail 更進一步的消息及細節。
  5. My blind-date stood me up last night.
    let my pigeon free放鴿子為中文式思考,正確用法為stand someone up.

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發起這項活動的100 個大學生同時成立了一個以公民記者為主的新聞網站:世界公民報 www.wiw.tw。昨天下午世界公民報第一時間報導了東海大學號召全體東海人,仍然把鄭捷當作家人的公開信,二小時內新開站的網站就被湧入的網民灌爆。

世界公民報緊急加大頻寬後,今天開始將在網站正式接受一萬名「台北公民」T 恤申請。  主持記者會的台北大學應用外語系學生周冠伶是捷運藍線長年乘客,她說‥「每一個車廂派一個警察不可能,我們的目標是讓每一個乘客都變成熱愛城市、捍衛城市的公民。」

第一批 10000 件 T 恤將透過群眾募資平台 flyingV 募集,不足之數尋求企業贊助,大學生優先發放。  

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