discuss¡Acontact¡Aapproach¡Alack ¥xÆW¤H³Ì®e©ö¥Ç¿ùªº¥|Ӱʵü¡A«Ü¦h¤H»¡¬O¾Ç®Õ¦Ñ®v±Ð¿ù¡A³o¿ù´N¤@ª½©µÄò¨ì¿ì¤½«Ç¡C
01 ¦o©M¦ÑÁó°Q½×¦oªº¸ê²£t¶Åªí¡C She discussed about the balance sheet with her boss. (X) She discussed the balance sheet with her boss. (O)
02 ®É¶¡¤@½T©w¡A§Ú´N·|©M§AÁpô¡C I will contact with you once the time is confirmed. (X) I will contact you once the time is confirmed. (O)
03 ¥L§Ö50·³¤F¡C He’s approaching to 50. (X) He’s approaching 50. (O)
04 ¥L¤u§@¯à¤O¤£¿ù¡A¦ý¦ü¥G¯Ê¥F«H¤ß¡C He’s good at his job but he seems to lack of confidence. (X) He’s good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. (O)
¦³¨S¦³ª`·N¨ì¡A³o4Ó³£¬O¤Îª«°Êµü¡Aª½±µ±µ¦Wµü¡C¦ý§Ú̬°¤°»ò·|·d¿ù©O¡H·í¥¦Ì¥H¦Wµü§Î¦¡¥X²{®É¡Gdiscussion, contact, approach©Mlack³£¥²¶·¥ý±µ¤¶«Yµü¦A±µ¨üµü¡C¨Ò¦p¡G
¡´We had a discussion about our future plans last night. §Ú̬Q±ß°Q½×¤F§ÚÌ¥¼¨Óªºpµe¡C
¡´He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. ¥L¸ÕµÛ»P·í¦a¤À³¡Ápô¡A¦ý¤@ª½¥¼¦¨¥\¡C
¡´All approaches to the city were blocked. ©Ò¦³¨ì«°¸Ìªº¸ô³£³Q«ÊÂê¤F¡C
¡´His decision seems to show a lack of political judgment. ±q¥L°µªº决©w´N¬Ý¥X¥L¦ü¥G¯Ê¥F¬Fªv§PÂ_¤O¡C
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