閱讀暖身 身為忙碌的上班族,我們醒著的時間裡有大半都花在辦公室裡,想當然爾我們會希望可以樂在其中。研究也顯示好的福利對提升員工創造力和生產力有顯著的效果。今天要介紹的全球性企業,福利津貼令人稱羨。在進入文章前,先來想想這幾個字怎麼說:
a) 大量的
b) 津貼
c) 廚藝大賽
The well-known company Adobe offers their employees downtime they need very much by shutting down the entire US office for one week during the holidays and the summer. Besides, employees also 1) rave about the a) ample opportunities for paid time off. Moreover, a recently announced policy gave new birth mothers up to 26 weeks paid leave by combining the medical and parental leave.
Facebook is known for its incredible perks like its great parental leave policy, beautiful offices, and gourmet meals. But employees say Facebook also provides them with a more unique perk: The company gifts workers ad credits to donate to their charity.
The personal home-renting service Airbnb provides employees with a $2,000 annual b) stipend to travel anywhere in the world. Employees say a dog-friendly office and "three healthy, organic meals a day, plus snacks" are perks they enjoy.
Google constantly tops lists of the world’s best places to work. The company has beautiful offices, where they offer gourmet meals, a generous parental leave policy, and even "death benefits," among other things. In Google's Mountain View headquarters in California, you will find a gym, a bowling alley, a games room, and basketball courts. There's also a barbershop, a massage parlor, and a Laundromat on site.
Southwest Airlines
Employees in Southwest Airlines get free flights in some cases, and they can also 2) hook-up friends and family with the travel perk, too. Employees receive discounts not only with a handful of other airlines, but also at several hotels and car rental companies. When they're not traveling, workers can take part in different events held by the company such as the annual chili c) cook-off contest and Halloween party.
Netflix recently announced its new unlimited parental leave policy. The company's Chief Talent Officer, Tawni Cranz, wrote in a blog post that the point of the new policy is to allow new parents to "take as much time off as they want during the first year after a child's birth or adoption."
Netlflix最近剛剛宣佈公司新的「無限期育嬰假」政策,人力資源主管Tawni Cranz在部落格的文章中寫道,新政策是希望能讓新生兒父母們能夠「在孩子出生或收養後的第一年擁有符合他們所需的充裕休假時間。」
1) Rave about 沈醉於、極力誇讚
It's quite a good film, but it's nothing to rave about. 這部電影還不錯,但也沒什麼值得大力吹捧的。
2) Hook up with 和..聯繫
Hook 是掛鉤的意思。Hook up a dress把衣服掛好。Hook up with 延伸為連接,聯繫起來的意思。但是在美國常用的諺語裡有暗示和某人有性方面的關係。When did you guys hook up? 你們兩位何時開始往來的? |