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2015/10/19 第161期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份




a) 一說到

b) 損害

c) 躁動


a) When it comes to meetings, all of us could appear a little smarter. The smarter you sound or look, in your words and appearance, the more likely you are to be heard, respected, and valued. Here are useful strategies you can apply and come out looking a little smarter in your next meeting.



Come Prepared

It seems like an obvious recommendation, but you'd be shocked that many people show up without knowing the purpose of meetings and 1) look down at heel. The truth is you don't have to sketch the entire presentation, but you need to respect the host and participants and come prepared with possible talking points, suggestions, or statistics related to the topic. If one of your pre-researched facts enters into the conversation, you'll get an extra point.




Sit Still and Lean Forward

Sitting still seems like an insignificant action, but compared to the alternative, it makes you appear way smarter and solid. Employees now break out their smart phones or tablets in meetings, possibly attempting to multitask but more often looking for a break from the subject of the meeting. Doing so can b) impair your professionalism.





Similarly, using a comfy chair to spin around, bounce, or rock back and forth will make you look like a restless toddler. Another body language tip, leaning forward throughout the majority of the meeting will show that you're paying close attention to speakers. Keep your back straight and hands folded, or at least on the table, will add to your "interested" positioning and help keep you from any nervous c) jiggling movements.




Speak Up, Take Notes, and Ask Right Questions

Many people show up to meetings and just sit there and listen, this isn't necessarily bad, but it won't make you appear smart. In fact, you should take the chance to show that you're a proactive participant, and that you’re original and creative. Furthermore, taking notes, even brief ones, will show your commitment to the topic. It not only demonstrates that you are willing to spend additional time and make extra effort in the meeting but you're also indicating that you'll be reviewing the content later. Don’t overlook these notes because one day they may inspire you.





Finally, be sure to ask good questions of the other people in the room, you can ask for more details and for elaboration on points you feel were 2) glossed over. This will give you "participatory credit". In brief, looking and sounding smarter doesn't take much effort or much practice. The more respect and attention you command, the more your ideas will be heard, and the better chance you'll have at advancing your career--no matter what your long-term goals are.

會議結束前,可以大方提問,要求對方補充說明不足之處。這樣做會增加你的“參與度”。看似聰明並不需要很多的努力和大量的練習。要留下好印象其實一點都不難。同仁對你的發言有越多的尊重和重視,你的想法會越多被聽到。更大的機會,你的職業生涯會提升 - 不管你的長程目標是什麼。用心處理每件事,一定會在職場發光發熱。



1. Look down at heel

Heel 是腳後跟的意思。往下看腳後跟,表示事情處於不好的狀態。或指穿著隨便;破舊不堪的意思。

When she first met Sean, he had a down at heel appearance. 當她剛認識西恩時,他看起來穿著破舊。


2. gloss over 掩飾, 掩蓋

gloss 是註解的意思,gloss over 延伸為掩蓋的意思。

It is not bright to use lies to gloss over the truth.  用謊言掩蓋事實是不明智的。


英文號稱是全球共通的第一語言,但是與中文的文法結構還是有許多相異之處。 我們在學習過程中常常將一些片語或介系詞混淆,越簡單的句子往往越容易出錯,今天就來看看一些簡單但是容易令我們忽略的常見的英文錯誤,看看你學會了幾樣吧!
  1. If I will be in London, I will contact to you. 如果我之後在倫敦,我會與你聯絡。
  2. I always look forwards to see my family and friends when I return from England. 從英國返回時我總是很期待與家人和朋友見面。
  3. I know nothing regarding to the future. 我對未來一無所知。
  4. After suffering from lung cancer for almost ten years, he passed out quietly last night. 在被肺癌折磨了近十年後,他在昨晚平靜的過世。
  5. Her father borrowed her money to buy a house. 她爸爸借她一些錢來買房子。


  1. If I am in London, I will contact you. 假設語氣if有許多不同的用法,其中一個用法為例子裡所設定的未來假設語氣,說話者認為在將來此事極有可能發生的狀況,此時if後的句子需用簡單現在式,連接will/may/can的句子。
  2. I always look forward to seeing my family and friends when I return from England. Look forward(s)指的是向前看, 而期待則是look forward to,此為一動詞片語,其後必須接Ving。
  3. I know nothing regarding the future. 大部份的人常常將regarding to誤以為是一個片語,但實際上只有regarding,後面直接連接關於某人某事。
  4. After suffering from lung cancer for almost ten years, he passed away peacefully last night. Pass away指的是人過世,而pass out則是指人短暫昏厥。 而形容人過世的形容詞應用peacefully而非quietly。
  5. Her father lent her some money to buy a house. Borrow和lend同為「借」之意,用法卻大相逕庭,而最主要的差別在於主詞是誰。Borrow是向人借東西,而lend才是借他人某物,主詞是出借用品的人。

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