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2016/03/07 第176期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Language Etiquette:不要一聽人講話有腔調,就問他是哪國人





a)      敏感議題

b)     無可挑剔

c)      忍住


As if table manners were not enough, now come language manners. In the United States, where the right to speak a language other than English is a a) touchy subject, the new field of language etiquette has caught the b) impeccable eye of people.



“Americans have not paid attention to the need to learn other languages as much as other people have,” said New York City etiquette consultant Janet Nixon. “And now we are paying the price. We are surrounded by people whom we do not understand and who do not understand us and, somehow, we all need to get along.”

「美國人不重視學習其他語言,我們正為此付出代價。現今我們必須與各式各樣的人相處,但我們不了解周遭的人,他們也不了解我們。」紐約的禮儀顧問Janet Nixon說。


Interest in language etiquette is on the rise in the U.S., especially among foreign business people. However, the etiquette issue brings up some of Americans' most deeply rooted anxieties about language. The chief one: that someone is saying something about them in a language they do not understand and that that it is not very nice.



So, how can we mind our p’s and q’s in terms of language etiquette? Experts’ advice: Try to speak the language of the country you are in. Be tolerant of those who cannot speak your language. Do not ask people where they are from the moment you hear an accent. And most importantly, c) refrain from asking people with unusual names, ''What kind of a name is that?''



Common sense and good manners can help bridge the linguistic gap. Say two co-workers and you are in the office kitchen and they start chatting away in Japanese. They are laughing their heads off. And you smell a rat, believing they must be mocking your new haircut. You can always turn a deaf ear to them. If you can't, walk up to them, and say to them in a very nice way, “You know, you seem to be having such a good time with that joke. Would you please share it with me, so I can laugh, too?” That ought to put an end to it.




1       Mind one’s p’s and q’s 謹言慎行


Helen’s parents are quite conservative, so you need to mind your p’s and q’s while you stay in their home.

2        Smell a rat  覺得不對勁


When her husband started working late three or four times a week, Mary smelled a rat. 當她的先生開始每週3或4次延後下班時,瑪麗就覺得事有蹊蹺了。


  1. Kevin seldom talks of anything beyond English. 凱文很少談及英文以外的事情。
  2. Your creative writing is very excellent! 你的文學創作非常出色!
  3. You don’t know how old I am? My age is already thirty! 你不知道我幾歲?我已經三十歲了!
  4. It’s kind for you to bring me this book. 你真好,帶給我這本書。
  5. I don't feel about having a cup of tea now. 我現在不想喝茶。


  1. Kevin seldom talks of anything but English. beyond和but都有「除…以外」的意思,但nothing、nobody、who、all等字的後面習慣用but。
  2. Your creative writing is excellent! excellent這個字本身就有「極好、極優」的意思,所以之前不能再用very加以修飾。
  3. You don’t know how old I am? I’m already thirty! 如果他人詢問年齡,回答的習慣用語多半是I’m thirty或I’m thirty years old,不必多此一舉加my age。
  4. It’s kind of you to bring me this book. It is+形容詞+of somebody to do something是一種固定句型,特別用來表示一個人的品德、脾氣或習慣。
  5. I don't feel like having a cup of tea now. 表示「想要、意欲」的固定用語是feel like,且其後應該接名詞或動名詞。

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