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2016/06/13 第191期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Facebook營運長Sheryl Sandberg:你們要有扛過一切悲傷的能力

「你會成為什麼樣的人,不單單由你的成就決定,而是你面對困境的態度。」Facebook營運長Sheryl Sandberg今年5月在加州大學柏克萊分校畢業演講,首次分享她面對丈夫驟逝,如何從刻骨銘心的巨慟中,建立起自己的恢復能力?
(A) 空虛
(B) 逆境
(C) 永久性

After the sudden death of Sheryl Sandberg's husband Dave, she (1) sank into the fog of sadness. The (A) emptiness and sorrow filled her heart and lungs. She could not think nor breath. Dave's death completely changed her life. She experienced the brutality of life, and realized that encounter with emptiness and the challenge of life. She can choose joy and meaning.
Sheryl Sandberg的丈夫Dave驟逝後的數月,她陷入愁雲慘霧之中,空虛與悲傷占滿她的心與肺,她無法思考也無法呼吸。Dave的離開徹底改變她的生命,她感受到生命的殘酷,也了解面對生命的虛無與挑戰

Sheryl Sandberg thought it is the hard day that challenges you determine who you are. How you survive the (B) adversity defines you, not just your achievement. Understanding the myth of psychology's three P's can help us come to terms with the ending of all good things.
Sheryl Sandberg認為,正是那些艱難的日子決定你成為什麼樣的人,人的價值不單是來自成就,也是在逆境活下去的勇氣。她提到理解心理學中的三個P的迷思能夠幫助我們面人生的失落。

以下摘錄她演講中提到的三個P:Personalization, Pervasiveness, Permanence,

“The first P is personalization—the belief that we are at fault. This is different from taking responsibility, which you should always do. This is the lesson that not everything that happens to us happens because of us.”

“The second P is pervasiveness—the belief that an event will affect all areas of your life. You know that song “Everything is awesome?” This is the flip: “Everything is awful.” There's no place to run nor hide from the all-consuming sadness.”
「第二個P是普遍性。以為一件事一旦發生,整個人生都搞砸了。記得一首歌 《一切好極了》嗎?這種心情正好相反,叫《一切糟透了》,當人被悲傷消耗殆盡,根本無處可逃。」

(c) Permanence
“The third P is permanence—the belief that the sorrow will last forever. For months, no matter what I did, it felt like the crushing grief would always be there.…Instead, we should accept our feelings—but recognize that they will not last forever.”

At the end of the speech, she expected all the Berkeley graduates to trust themselves that they could go through any difficulties. Build resilience in yourselves! When the challenges approach, I hope you (2) bear in mind that only by inner strength can you
(3) prevail against life's ups and downs. As the saying goes: we are more vulnerable than we ever thought, but we are stronger than we ever imagined.


1. sink into 陷入、滲入
She let herself sink into despair. 她讓自己陷入絕望的狀態。

 2. bear in mind 謹記在心、切記
也可抽換詞面為 keep in mind
We must bear in mind that imagination is far more important than knowledge.

 3. prevail against 戰勝…;擊敗
They will prevail against all challengers. 他們會擊敗所有的挑戰者。



1. My father says that I can go to the movies. 我爸說我可以去看電影。
2. I always feel going out. 我總是想要外出參加社交活動。
3. Changes in policy were a few. 政策幾乎沒有變化。
4. Your plan is too good! 你的計劃太棒了!
5. A student was taken to the hospital by his friend, who just had a car accident. 一位學生剛出了車禍,被他的朋友送去醫院。


1. My father says that I may go to the movies. can指的是客觀上的能力許可,要表示主觀意願上的「允許」,應該用may。
2. I always feel like going out. feel是「感覺、覺得」的意思,feel like才是「想要」,兩者不盡相同。
3. Changes in policy were few. few一般帶有否定意思,表示「不足的、少數的」,甚至是「幾乎沒有的」,a few則是表示「好幾個」或「相當多」,兩者在數量上的涵意恰恰相反。
4. Your plan is very good! too和very雖然都有「很、非常」的意思,但too後面加上形容詞,通常帶有負面的意味。以本句為例,too good後面似乎是要說「好的不像是真的、完美到難以實行」。
5. A student who just had a car accident was taken to the hospital by his friend. 到底是學生還是他朋友剛出了車禍?用who、which、that引出的形容詞子句,應該緊接在它們所要修飾的名詞後面,才不易引起誤解。

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