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2016/06/20 第192期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



(A) 超過預期
(C) 出口疲弱

India's economy outpaced all other major markets during the most recent quarter, further cementing its reputation as a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy world economy.

India's gross domestic product expanded by 7.9% in the quarter ended March 31, a (A) better-than-expected performance that trumps the 6.7% growth posted by China's slowing economy over the same period.

Yet as Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrates his second anniversary (1) in office, there is growing unease over India's (B) prospects. Some have (2) called into question the validity of the country's GDP statistics, which have diverged from other indicators. Industrial production and investment spending fell at the end of 2015, and exports (C) remain weak.

Some critics argue that economic reality is being disguised by low oil prices, which have slashed India's huge energy import bill.


Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, has generated huge amounts of buzz around India's economy. As prime minister, he has spent huge amounts of political capital trying to push common sense economic reforms through parliament.

Modi has also packed his schedule with foreign trips, during which he exhorts global companies to “Make in India.”

Yet many promised reforms have failed to materialize. A proposal to establish a nationwide sales tax has languished in a divided parliament, leaving India's byzantine system of state duties in place.

Another of Modi's priorities — reducing (3) red tape for small businesses — has scarcely progressed. India ranks 130th in a World Bank index measuring the regulatory burden on small firms, an improvement of just four spots from 2015. The country's infrastructure remains woefully inadequate, and will take decades to upgrade.

1. Be in office 執政
執政有很多說法,最簡單的表達就是”in office”,相反的,如果是執政黨下台,就會用be out of office.
Which political party is in office in your country? 貴國是哪一個政黨執政?
They cannot join forces to vote her out of office. 他們不能聯合起來通過投票表決讓她下台。

2. Call into question + something (不禁讓人對某件事產生)質疑
The study calls into question how long the vaccine gives protection.這份研究讓人對這疫苗的效期產生質疑。

3. Red tape 繁文縟節
字面意思是指紅色膠帶。原來在17世紀的英格蘭,政府機關有用紅色帶子捆紮公文的習慣,政府機關辦事手續繁雜,因此人們用red tape來比喻繁文縟節、官樣文章、官僚作風。
There is way too much red tape in government. 政府有太多煩人的手續。


  1. The population of this country is on decline. 這個國家的人口正在減少。
  2. Would you please explain this rule to me in details? 可以請您詳細地解釋這條規則給我聽嗎?
  3. These brave men are determined to fight to the last in the defense to their wives. 這些勇敢的男人決心為保護他們的太太而奮戰到底。
  4. Mother’s Day is in hand. Where will you go to celebrate it? 母親節快到了,你們要去哪兒慶祝?
  5. The scenery here is beautiful above description. 這裡的風景美得無以名狀。


  1. The population of this country is on the decline. on the decline意指「走下坡路、日漸衰落、逐漸減少」,定冠詞the不可以省略。
  2. Would you please explain this rule to me in detail? in detail表示「詳細地」,相當於一個副詞,在句中作修飾語,detail不可用複數形式。
  3. These brave men are determined to fight to the last in defense of their wives. in defense of是「為保衛…、為…辯護」之意,defense前面不加冠詞,of也不可誤作其他介系詞。
  4. Mother’s Day is at hand. Where will you go to celebrate it? in hand是指「在手中(持有或隨時可用)」,at hand則是「在手邊」或者「即將到來」的意思,兩者容易搞混。
  5. The scenery here is beautiful beyond description. above和beyond在中文解釋中容易混淆,因此可能把固定片語beyond description誤作above description,須格外注意。

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