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2016/09/12 第203期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Bhutan: The Unexpected Secret to Happiness

A) 突如其來的
C) 微妙
D) 隔離

Eric Weiner, a philosophical traveler, had an unexpected experience while on a visit to Bhutan. He found himself 1) spilling his guts while talking to Karma Ura, a Bhutanese man. He told Ura about his physical symptoms that A) came out of the blue but in the end turned out to be a 2) false alarm. It was only a panic attack. Ura’s reply left him B) dumbfounded. “You need to think about death for five minutes every day. It will cure you.” Ura explained that, it is the fear of dying rather than dying itself that is troubling us.

Bhutan, known as one of the happiest countries on earth, provides some surprising insights into what contributes to happiness. At first glance, it seems like a land where contentment reigns and sorrow is nowhere in sight, but if you look deeper, you will find that their happiness is more C) nuanced.


People in Bhutan are expected to think about death five times a day. Recent research found that, while death is a psychologically threatening fact, when people contemplate it, it actually helps the auto-suggestive system to search for happy thoughts. Bhutanese people do not D) sequester death because they know that death is a natural process in life, and thinking about it makes them 3) seize the moment.

The Bhutanese think about death so often because death is all around them, and another reason is the Buddhist belief in reincarnation.  As Buddhists say, “you shouldn’t fear dying any more than you fear discarding old clothes.” It doesn't mean that the Bhutanese don’t feel fear or sadness. They do, but they accept it because it’s all part of life. That’s their secret to happiness.

1. Spill one’s guts 掏心掏肺,揭露自己,把自己的一切全盤托出
I just met him today and I am already spilling my guts. 我今天才剛認識他,我卻已經對他掏心掏肺,把我的一切都告訴了他。
2. False alarm 假警報,虛驚
She thought she got pregnant accidentally, but it turned out to be a false alarm. 她原以為她不小心懷孕了,但結果是虛驚一場。
3. Seize the moment 把握當下
The past is gone and the future is yet to come. Seize the moment! 過去已經逝去,而未來還未到來。好好把握當下吧!


  1. Bill took a course in finance and learned a good knowledge of stock investment. 比爾修了一門財務金融課程,學到不少股票投資方面的知識。
  2. The subject of this book is about feminism. 這本書的主題是關於女權主義。
  3. Is this desk enough large for your daughter? 這張書桌對你的女兒來說夠大了嗎?
  4. After a bottle of Whiskey, they danced with the music. 喝了一瓶威士忌後,他們隨著音樂起舞。
  5. Don’t mind the cost. I will pay it for you. 別擔心費用,我會幫你支付。


  1. Bill took a course in finance and acquired a good knowledge of stock investment. 中文說「學習、學到」,但英文不能直譯為learn knowledge,動詞應該用acquire或gain。
  2. The subject of this book is feminism. subject(主題、題目)一字本身就有「關於」的意思,因此不須另外加入about。
  3. Is this desk large enough for your daughter? enough用作副詞時,可修飾形容詞或副詞,但須置於所修飾字詞的後面。
  4. After a bottle of Whiskey, they danced to the music. 無論是「隨著音樂跳舞」或「伴著音樂唱歌」,介系詞都是用to,不是with。
  5. Never mind the cost. I will pay it for you. 這屬於習慣用法:mind用於否定的祈使句時,只可說never mind,沒有don’t mind這樣的說法。

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