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2014/09/12 第38期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Creatures That Hide in the Open/海洋動物藏身於無掩蔽處
Railroads Shift to Oil, Holding Up Grains /鐵路改運石油 不利農民
Creatures That Hide in the Open/海洋動物藏身於無掩蔽處
By Kenneth Chang/陳世欽譯
The oceans, which make up more than 90 percent of the earth’s livable space, are full of almost invisible animals.


To illustrate why, Dr. Sonke Johnsen, a professor of biology at Duke University in North Carolina, began a recent talk with a macabre scenario. Suppose just then a gunman burst into the room, shooting at the audience. Naturally, people would scramble for cover behind chairs and walls.


His point: There would be places to try to hide.


On land, many animals camouflage themselves amid the foliage and terrain; in coastal waters, sea creatures blend into the sand or find refuge among coral or rocks. But in the deep ocean, creatures floating in the water have nowhere to seek refuge.


Transparency is the most obvious strategy and the one Dr. Johnsen first began researching almost 20 years ago.


Transparency is not just a lack of pigmentation. Albinos, Dr. Johnsen points out, are not invisible; rather, the entire body must absorb or scatter as little light as possible.


Scattering is a challenge. When light passes into a material of a different index of refraction, which is often proportional to the density, part of the light reflects and part of it bends. That largely explains why one could search long and wide for a transparent cow or pigeon and not find one: The density of air is so much less than that of flesh that even a see-through terrestrial animal would probably be easily spotted from its reflections.


Water is much denser, and body tissues are roughly the density of water, greatly reducing the amount of scattering. But some organs are denser than others, and the transparent animals pack their insides differently to minimize the reflections.


Dr. Johnsen’s measurements of the see-through creatures that he brought up from the depths found that 20 to 90 percent of the light passed through, undisturbed. “You could read a book through these animals,” he said.


But transparency can complicate life, and transparent creatures near the surface could be sunburned, not only on the skin but inside, too. To protect themselves from ultraviolet light, “these guys basically have suntan lotion in their transparent tissues,” Dr. Johnsen said.


Evolution has come up with two other forms of stealth technology: mirrors and biological light bulbs.


Some predators find their food by looking for silhouettes above. “You see many animals with upward-looking eyes, and even a squid with one big eye looking up and a ‘normal’ eye looking to the side,” said Steven Haddock, a scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in Moss Landing, California.


The silvery sides of fish like herring and sardines are systems of mirrors: They reflect the downwelling light, much the way a part of the sky is sometimes reflected by a glass skyscraper. Thus, a predator from below would see the blue water, not a fish, above.


Eric Denton, a British marine biologist, studied mirrored fish in the 1960s and figured out that the mirrors were vertical, maximizing the illusion.


The third strategy, called counterillumination, also seeks to mimic the downwelling light. But instead of mirrors, the animal generates its own glow, much as fireflies do with light-producing organs known as photophores.


The animals employing counterillumination make sure the light they are producing is pointed downward.


“They don’t want light leaking out to the side and making them vulnerable, so they have lenses, mirrors and filters on their photophores,” Dr. Haddock said.


Some animals have evolved ways to defeat the camouflage. Species of squid and shrimp have eyes that can differentiate between the polarizations of light, something that many insects can do, but which people cannot do without polarized sunglasses.


Photons – particles of light – can be thought of as arrows with tail fins representing the oscillating magnetic and electric fields, and the polarization represents the orientation of the fields. To human eyes, the color of reflected light is unchanged. When reflected, the angle of the polarization changes.


As the sun moves across the sky, the polarization of light filtering down to the depths changes, and to an eye that can tell the difference between the polarizations, a mirrored fish suddenly sticks out.


“It turns out while the camouflage is really good, you can really break it with polarization vision,” Dr. Johnsen said.


That might, for instance, allow a squid to spot an approaching hungry tuna and flee.


“We’re just surrounded by an entirely mysterious world,” Dr. Johnsen said. “And the fact we can’t see it means we ignore it most of the time.”


Railroads Shift to Oil, Holding Up Grains /鐵路改運石油 不利農民
By Ron Nixon/陳世欽譯
FARGO, North Dakota — The furious pace of energy exploration in North Dakota is creating a crisis for farmers whose grain shipments have been held up by a vast new movement of oil by rail, leading to millions of dollars in agricultural losses and slower production for breakfast cereal giants like General Mills.


The backlog is only going to get worse,farmers said, as they prepared recently for what is expected to be a record crop of wheat and soybeans.


“If we can’t get this stuff out soon, a lot of it is simply going to go on the ground and rot,” said Bill Hejl, who grows soybeans and wheat in a town near here.


Although the energy boom in North Dakota has led to a 2.8 percent unemployment rate, the lowest in the United States, the downside has been harder times for farmers who have long been mainstays of the state’s economy.


Agriculture was North Dakota’s Number 1 industry for decades, representing a quarter of its economic base, but recent statistics show oil and gas have become the biggest contributors to the state’s gross domestic product.


Railroads have long been the backbone of North Dakota’s transportation system and the most dependable way for farmers to move crops — to ports in Portland, Oregon; Seattle; and Vancouver, from which the bulk of the grain is shipped across the Pacific to Asia; and to East Coast ports like Albany, New York, from which it is shipped to Europe.


But reports the railroads filed with the government show that for the week that ended August 22, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway — North Dakota’s largest railroad — had a backlog of 1,336 rail cars waiting to ship grain and other products. Another rail road,Canadian Pacific,had a backlog of nearly 1,000 cars.


For farmers, the delays often mean canceled orders from food giants that cannot wait weeks or months for the grain they need to make cereal, bread and an array of other products.


United States Agriculture Department officials recently said they were particularly concerned that Canadian Pacific would not be able to fulfill nearly 30,000 re-quests from farmers and others for rail cars before October.


“This rail backlog is a national problem,” Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota said. “The inability of farmers to get these grains to market is not only a problem for agriculture, but for companies that produce cereals, breads and other goods.”


A recent study conducted by North Dakota State University at Ms. Heitkamp’s request found rail congestion could cost farm-ers in the state more than $160 million because a local over supply of grain has lowered prices.


The study also found that farmers would lose $67 million in revenue from wheat, corn and soybeans from January to mid-April. Around $95 million more in losses are expected if farmers are unable to move their remaining crops.


Food companies say they are feeling the effects of the delayed shipments. General Mills, the Minnesota-based maker of Cheerios, the popular brand of oak cereal, told investors in March that it had lost 62 days of production — as much as 4 percent of its out-put — in the quarter that ended in February because of winter logistics problems, including rail-car congestion.


In its earnings report in August, Car gill, an other Minnesota-based food giant, reported a drop in net earnings that it attributed in part to “high-er costs related to rail-car short-ages.”


Farmers and agriculture groups say rail operators are clearly favoring the more lucrative transport of oil. Rail shipments of crude oil in North Dakota have surged since 2008, and the state now produces about a million barrels a day. About 60 percent of that oil travels by

train from the Bakken oil fields in the western part of the state to far-away oil refiners. There are few pipe lines to ship it.


B.N.S.F. and Canadian Pacific maintain that their oil shipments have not replaced shipments of crops.


“Of course, the big difference in what we are shipping these days is oil,” said Matthew K. Rose of B.N.S.F. “But we aren’t favoring one type of product over another.”


Nonetheless, B.N.S.F. is in-vesting about $400 million in North Dakota, to build additional tracks, hire new staff members and add rail cars. Mr. Rose said, “We’re making this investment in our infrastructure to make sure that we get things back to normal.”



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