Offshore Wind Farms See Promise in Platforms That Float
The sun was beating down on the leafy campus of the University of Maine one afternoon last month. But inside a hangarlike laboratory, a miniature hurricane was raging.
Storm-force gales swept over a deep pool of water, churning waves that, at full scale on the ocean, would have been twice the size of those recorded during Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
Happily for the researchers, the equipment they were testing, a novel type of floating platform meant to support a wind turbine in open water, remained upright through the maelstrom.
True, it was only one fifty-second of the real-world scale. But it was a success as one of many experiments and projects underway worldwide in a similar quest. As clean-energy engineers seek to make offshore wind farms more financially, aesthetically and environmentally viable, they are turning to floating supports to enable wind turbines to move into deeper waters farther from the coast.
Right now, almost all offshore wind turbines require fixed platforms built into the seafloor. Floating turbines, with anchors, would mean new flexibility in where wind farms could be placed, with potentially less impact on marine life — and less opposition from the human neighbors on shore.
“Look,” exclaimed Habib Joseph Dagher, executive director of the university’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center here, pointing to a minuscule figure perched on the bobbing deck. “The water is just reaching his feet.” The Lilliputian plastic platform worker had weathered the storm.
The University of Maine testing is part of an elaborate physics experiment meant to simulate conditions that full-scale floating wind turbines could face at an installation being planned about 10 miles off the Maine coast in up to 360 feet of water near tiny Monhegan Island.
For nearly 18 months in 2013 and 2014, an operating version of the apparatus — one-eighth of scale — sat in the waters off Castine, Maine, sending electricity to the grid. That proved the technology fundamentally worked and guided refinements to the design. Now, Dagher’s team is using the data collected at the lab to confirm the final form, a crucial next step in bringing the technology to market.
本文介紹離岸(又稱海上)風力發電(offshore wind farms)的最新發展。作者用了三個形容「微小」的字,值得一談。
第一個是導言中的miniature,只能放在名詞前面,通常形容某物的迷你版。例:It looks like a miniature version of James Bond's car.或They expect their children to behave like miniature adults.(小大人)。
第二個是minuscule,形容極小(例:minuscule sculptures)或微不足道。例:The risk to public health is minuscule.這個字還有字母書寫體小寫的意思。
同樣形容微小,Lilliputian源自史威夫特(Jonathan Swift)的諷刺小說《格列佛遊記》(Gulliver’s Travels),第一卷介紹的小人國厘厘普特(Lilliput),國民就是Lilliputian,只有15公分高,也可以當形容詞。
與miniature和minuscule不同,Lilliputian還可以指胸襟狹隘(lilliputian minds)的人,真的是「小人」了!狄更斯、夏綠蒂.勃朗特、巴爾札克都用過這個字,向前輩致敬。