The world’s largest refugee camp, a temporary home to more than half a million people that sprawls precariously across barren hills in southeastern Bangladesh, faces a looming disaster as early as April when the first storms of the monsoon season hit, aid workers warn.
“It’s going to be landslides, flash floods, inundation,” said Tommy Thompson, chief of emergency support and response for the World Food Program. “It’s going to be a very, very challenging wet season. That’s if we don’t have a cyclone.”
Nearly 600,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees live in the camp, at Cox’s Bazar, near the southern tip of Bangladesh. Cyclones, which can occur from March to July, would considerably worsen the situation beyond the dangers of flooding and landslides.
The Rohingya camp — known officially as the Kutupalong-Balukhali settlements, and informally as the megacamp — is the most urgent example of the new calamities that come with the global refugee crisis: a huge influx of desperate people fleeing war or persecution, only to face natural disaster in an ecologically fragile area potentially made more precarious by climate change.
“We can definitely see how this is going to be a catastrophe, no matter what,” said Mélody Braun, who studies risk reduction strategies at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University and visited the camp last month. “There’s really no space. People are everywhere. Slopes are really high.”
Before the Rohingya started crossing into Bangladesh from Myanmar in large numbers in the summer, fleeing attacks on their villages by the army and allied mobs, the hills were dotted with forest.
But then, in a matter of weeks, as refugees poured in by the tens of thousands, trees were hacked away. Canals were dug. Bamboo-and-tarp shacks went up. More trees were cut as refugees scrambled to find firewood.
The hills, where elephants recently roamed, are now bare. Even the roots have been pulled out, leaving nothing to hold the parched soil together as rainwater washes downhill, potentially taking tents and people with it and quickly inundating low-lying settlements. The United Nations says 100,000 refugees are at acute risk from landslides and floods.
The early rains — known in Bengali as kalboishakhi, which translates loosely as the storms of an “evil summer” — are a precursor to the full-on monsoons. They strike when the soil is still dry and especially susceptible to mudslides. The only warning of their approach is usually hot winds that send the dry earth of summer swirling through the air.
本文談孟加拉洛興雅難民營的環境遭破壞,勢必經不起季風雨的沖刷而發生災難。印度季風(Indian monsoon)是世界著名的季風系統,主要影響印度及其周邊海域,在六月和七月給這個區域帶來豐沛雨量。monsoon可以指季風、盛行西南季風的季節或季風帶來的雨,通常指「雨季」或 「季風帶來的雨」。
本文首段的sprawls(蔓延)是指「難民營」,不是「五十多萬人」。新聞英文經常用到的是urban sprawl(城市無計劃地擴展),特徵是低密度住宅區、對私家車的依賴漸增,通常伴隨著能源使用量增加、汙染與交通壅塞變嚴重、社區向心力下降。
華盛頓郵報專欄作家亞歷山德拉.佩特里最近撰文,美國國會是one of the checks and balances holding our democracy precariously in place,倘若川普硬幹,國會共和黨人絕不會坐視不管。