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2019/05/03 第260期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Gaming’s New Lifestyle:Less Pizza, More Yoga 能否被視為運動員? 電競選手接受傳統運動團隊訓練
Gaming’s New Lifestyle:Less Pizza, More Yoga 能否被視為運動員? 電競選手接受傳統運動團隊訓練
文/Andrew Keh

The squats and leg lifts were harder than they looked, and after a few sets, Alfonso Aguirre Rodriguez placed his hands on his knees and attempted to compose himself.


In November, Aguirre, a 24-year-old professional video game player from Spain, joined the five-man roster of Origen, a League of Legends team that competes in the game’s top European league. The players — all signed in late fall — were told at the time that the team might be run a bit differently from what they were accustomed to.


Now here they were, five young men who make their living sitting almost completely still in front of desktop computers, sweating through an hourlong workout in a cramped gym.


“I think I’m going to puke my oatmeal,” said Aguirre, who is known in the gaming community as Mithy. “I’m dying.”


Some years ago, traditional sports leagues were revolutionized by young analysts wielding computers. The way things had always been done, it turned out, was not always the best way to do things. Now echoes of that transformation have arrived in the growing world of professional e-sports, where gamers are being shepherded toward a new frontier, oddly, by the old, corporeal wisdom of traditional sports.


The debate about whether competitive gamers can be considered athletes may never end. In the meantime, though, gamers are increasingly acting like them.


Origen is one of two teams owned by Rfrsh Entertainment, an e-sports company based in Copenhagen. Two years ago, the organization hired Kasper Hvidt, a former captain of Denmark’s national handball team, to be its sporting director. Hvidt, 43, had no previous exposure to gaming. But that was the point.


E-sports in recent years have crept into the mainstream, attracting new fans, new sponsors and new investment. The top professionals now make six-figure salaries and earn even more with endorsements and prize money. And yet, Hvidt observed, their approach to performance remained amateurish.


Eating right, sleeping right, exercising, cleaning up for sponsors — these ideas have undergirded traditional sports for generations. In e-sports, they are regarded as almost radical.


“They don’t look at themselves as physical human beings,” said Hvidt, who won the European handball championship with Denmark in 2008.


“It’s common sense, in a way. But with them, it was not.”



電子競技(electronic sports,可寫為e-sports或esports)指用電子遊戲進行競賽,近年來逐漸被視為正式運動項目,玩家的地位也升級成選手,頂尖職業選手更是身價不凡。

知名的電競遊戲以對戰類為主流,例如文中提到的英雄聯盟、星海爭霸(Starcraft)、爐石戰記(Hearthstone)、以及被暱稱為「吃雞」的絕地求生(PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds)等。

既然被視為運動項目,電競也引入贊助商制度,合作廠商提供選手裝備及訓練經費,換取品牌曝光。常見的贊助形式有title sponsor(冠名贊助),不但出資比率最高,且品牌名會出現在賽事名稱、選手服裝或電視畫面一角。此外還有official sponsor(官方贊助),例如Visa是爐石戰記2019世界總決賽的官方贊助商,有權使用賽事影像做行銷。

本文介紹電競選手接受傳統運動訓練,以鍛鍊肌肉及加強體能,文章一開頭就提到squat(深蹲)和leg lift(抬腿),這兩個動作都著重鍛鍊下半身肌肉,且不需設備就可訓練。sit-up(仰臥起坐)和push-up(伏地挺身)也是常見的徒手訓練法,近幾年相當流行的還有plank(棒式),可鍛鍊核心肌群。

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