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2022/10/07 第403期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 How to Get Heart Patients to Take Their Pills? Give Them Just One. 如何讓心臟病人按時吃藥?一顆複方製劑搞定
Newly Aggressive Biden Shifts From Compromise to Combat 期中選舉前 拜登不再妥協火力全開
How to Get Heart Patients to Take Their Pills? Give Them Just One. 如何讓心臟病人按時吃藥?一顆複方製劑搞定
文/Roni Caryn Rabin


Heart disease kills more people than any other condition, but despite advances in treatment and prevention, patients often do not stick to their medication regimens. Now researchers may have found a solution: a so-called polypill that combines three drugs needed to prevent cardiovascular trouble.


In what is apparently the largest and longest randomized controlled trial of this approach, patients who were prescribed a polypill within six months of a heart attack were more likely to keep taking their drugs and had significantly fewer cardiovascular events, compared with those receiving the usual assortment of pills.


The participants also experienced one-third fewer cardiovascular deaths, although their overall risk of death from all causes was not significantly changed.


The study of more than 2,000 heart patients, who were followed for three years, was published Friday morning in The New England Journal of Medicine, as the findings were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona, Spain.


The study is the culmination of 15 years of work by researchers led by Dr. Valentin Fuster, director of Mount Sinai Heart at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and general director of the National Center for Cardiovascular Research in Spain.


“Combination pills are easier for the physician and for the patient, and the data are pretty clear — it translates into a benefit,” said Dr. Thomas J. Wang, chair of the department of internal medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center, who was not involved in the research but wrote an editorial accompanying the study.


The polypill combines a blood-pressure medication, a cholesterol-lowering drug and aspirin, which helps prevent blood clots.


The polypill used in the study has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and is not available to patients in the United States right now. Fuster said the results of the new trial would be submitted to the agency shortly in an effort to obtain approval.


And since participants became even more likely to keep taking the polypill over time, he said, “The potential results could be even better with more follow-up.” Several studies have shown that only about half of patients, or even less, take all their medications as instructed.


The new study, a randomized controlled clinical trial, enrolled just under 2,500 patients at 113 sites in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.



Newly Aggressive Biden Shifts From Compromise to Combat 期中選舉前 拜登不再妥協火力全開
文/Michael D. Shear

期中選舉前 拜登不再妥協火力全開

President Joe Biden likes to say there is nothing America cannot do if the country is united and its rival parties are willing to work together.


But with just two months until the midterm elections, Biden is purposely spending less time hailing the virtues of compromise and more time calling out dangers to democracy — using some of the sharpest and most combative language of his presidency.


He has accused Republicans of embracing “semi-fascism” by paying fealty to former President Donald Trump. He has blasted the party for being “full of anger, violence, hate and division.” And he has warned that the danger from Republicans loyal to Trump went far beyond differences in policy.


“They’re a threat to our very democracy,” he said of a party that he has spent a half-century working with to find common ground. “They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace political violence.”

對於這個他花了半世紀尋求共識的政黨,他說:「他們是對我們民主的威脅。他們拒絕接受人民的意願。 他們擁抱政治暴力」。

After weeks of internal White House strategy sessions, the president and his aides have devised a confrontational election-season approach that focuses on Biden’s accomplishments coupled with an aggressive political assault on the GOP, including the poll-tested phrase he began using this spring: “ultra-MAGA Republicans.”


Now, with Trump once again at the center of a criminal investigation, this time over his handling of classified documents, Biden has seized the moment to press a case that voters cannot risk a return to a party in the thrall of the former president.


“After a successful past couple of months, the president and Democrats have effectively turned this midterm into a choice, when it’s typically a referendum on the party in the White House,” said Stephanie Cutter, a veteran Democratic strategist. “The president now is articulating that choice, pretty damned well and at just the right time.”


She added, “The choice couldn’t be clearer — a reminder of what people rejected just two years ago.”


Biden is leaning into more political attacks, aides and allies said, in part because of what he sees as a growing embrace of violent political speech by Republicans and a threat to the democratic process of governing. The aides said he was dismayed by the number of Trump-backed election deniers who have won Republican primaries for governor or secretary of state across the country.


Biden, whose own approval ratings have begun to improve slightly since lows earlier this summer, is hoping that his party can maintain control of Congress and deliver a forceful rebuke to Trump and his followers.




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