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9999/12/31 第43期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



「你沒在國外待過?」每當張宏瑋(Ben)開口用英文交談,外國友人總是很訝異地確認。事實上,23歲的Ben只是個平凡的大四生,並非就讀英語相關科系,也沒有去過歐美系國家,卻能說一口流利英文。他與英文的緣分來自於「沙發衝浪(Couch Surfing)」,熱愛文化與旅遊的他,為了能與接待的背包客交流,開始對英文種下興趣。

「剛開始因為英文不夠好,發生很多尷尬狀況!」為了迎接第一位自英國而來的客人,Ben特地到機場接機,但在回市區的巴士上,他只 ... ...

求職面試, 美國MBA課程給學生的忠告是…


你的條件不錯,自認專業能力與個性特質都符合 心儀工作的要求,面試時對上主考官也侃侃而談,然而錄取結果出爐,你卻是被刷下來的那一 位。問題到底出在哪裡?
美國密蘇里大學MBA課程在其所舉辦的一場求職準備研討會中,給學生的忠告是:「Precisely say the keywords」
意思就是要抓住面試官心裡想聽到的重點,並精準地說出關鍵字。回想看看,你是否總是落落長 地回應面試代表的提問,卻沒有明確說出那幾個 keywords,讓對方回神、聚焦?
至於要說什麼關鍵字,乃依據不同行業所具備的特性及對工作者的偏好而有所不同。如果你在回答問題時,能巧妙帶入該行業青睞的重點字詞, 將很容易引起共鳴,讓對方感覺──You're exactly the right person !
專為MBA學生所撰寫的求職指南《THE VAULT MBA CAREER BIBLE》點出了金融、行銷、顧問三大熱門MBA出路期待你掛在嘴邊的幾個特質,分述如下:


Hard worker 拚命工作

"As a general rule, you should emphasize how hard you have worked in the past, giving evidence of your ability to take on a lot of work and pain… For example, if you were in a crew and had to wake up at five every morning in the freezing cold, by all means, talk about it."
金融工作的超長工時與超大壓力是人盡皆知的,所以你必須明白告訴面試代表:「I'm a hard worker」,讓對方安心你不會做不到一個月就落跑。

Safe hands 可靠可信

"As with all job interviews, those for finance positions will largely be about figuring out whether you can handle the responsibility required of the position. In many cases with finance positions, that responsibility will mean making decisions with millions or billions of dollars at stake. An interviewer will try and figure out if you've got safe hands and won't be dropping the ball."
金融人動輒要處理鉅額款項或大量數字,「I got safe hands」此話一出,多少能提升對方的信心。



Teamwork/Team player 團隊合作

"Teamwork is the buzzword these days… (Most positions require) that an employee work closely with others."
行銷服務牽涉到各部門之間的溝通與合作,因此大聲喊出「I'm a team player! Go team!」絕對有加分效果。

Creativity/Imagination 創造想像

"What marketing positions have in common is the sense of ownership over the product or service, as well as the need to understand customer needs and desires and translate those needs into some kind of marketing communication, advertising campaign or sales effort."



People skills 人際手腕

"If you consider yourself a true introvert and find that speaking to people all day saps your energy, you will likely find consulting quite unnerving. On the other hand, if you truly relish meetings, talking to experts, explaining your viewpoints, cajoling others to cooperate with you and making impromptu pres- entations, you've got some valuable talents in your consulting skill set."
顧問業必須與客戶密切互動,甚至需要進駐其辦公室 執行組織改造等不討喜的工作,擁有極佳的人際手腕 方能勝任愉快。

Supertasker/Multi-tasking 一心多用

"Superior organizational skills and a good sense of prioritization are your friends. Would your friends describe you as a really busy person who's involved in a ton of activities, and still able to keep your personal life on track?"
基層consultant的工作繁雜多元,因此分配注意力的能力必須很強,能夠同時關注不同的事件並有條理地排出優先順序,若在面談中強化「I can multi-task well」的形象,拿到offer的機率將大大提高。

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2015年6月號

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