第一步:可以簡單,就不要難 “Use A Shorter, Simpler Word” 很多人覺得自己用字太簡單,於是就用字典裡的同義字功能"Thesaurus",找出替代簡單的字的一些難字。有時候表面上意思差不多的字,程度不一定相同,或著意思相同,應用的場景也不相同,講出來的字句變得很拗口: 例如:我希望我們能夠改善生產力。
(差)I hope we can ameliorate the productivity. (好)I hope we can improved the productivity. Ameliorate雖然也是改善,但這個字比較嚴重,是事情已經很糟,你要改善、補救,這類的字,可以統稱為big words,老外講話時候不會用的字。這時如果improve可以解決,就用improve。
第二步: 可以具體,就不要抽象 "Choose words that fully capture your experience" 什麼叫具體,什麼是抽象?比較一下這兩句話,就知道了: (模糊)When we first started the business, I did a lot of works to get the company going. 創業之初,我做了很多事情讓公司可以持續經營。 (精準)When we first started the business, I got my hands dirty by developing new features, taking calls from customers and promoting the product right through to managing the financial side of the business. (創業之初,我什麼事都做,從開發產品新功能、接客戶電話,推銷產品,到事業的財務面。)
第三步:動詞、名詞比形容詞或副詞更準 "Use Nouns And Verbs Rather Than Adverbs And Adjectives" 不要誤以為用更多的華麗詞彙,像形容詞或副詞之類的字,會讓句子更準。形容詞和副詞傳達的訊息比較vague,比較一下: 我們發現很多學生習慣用籠統的方式描述事情。例如: 我很多事要做。 (模糊)I am very busy. (清楚)My hands are tied. Tied這個動詞,被綁起來了,聽到這句話,別人就知道,別再塞事情過來了。 再來看一個較長的句子,比較一下, (平淡)I ran quickly to the board where the results would be posted, with many curious people standing around waiting anxiously to see their scores. (生動)I rushed to the board to find people crowded around muttering prayers to themselves as they awaited the dean’s arrival with their score results. Rush是奔跑、衝進….,是不是比ran quickly更生動?Rush比ran quickly更能傳達速度感。 有很多好奇的人等著看自己的分數,第一句用了curious這個形容詞,一群人擠著看成績,而且口中喃喃自語,第二句用了crowd和mutter這兩個動詞。
