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2013/05/02 第7期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
本週課文 The Dating Game 約會遊戲
英語達人 Q1: Did you observe that wonderful nurse __________ for her patients?
語文教室 ... the feelings of rejection that go along with break-ups.
好康快報 空英數位教學再獲金鼎獎!!
The Dating Game 約會遊戲
Wendy: Did you get Selena's wedding invitation?

Emma: I sure did. Can you believe she's marrying her high-school sweetheart?

Wendy: What's wrong with that?

Emma: Selena has never dated anyone but Josh. She's missed out on the chance to get to know a lot of guys.

Wendy: You don't have to date a lot to find Mr. Right. The more you date the more you have to deal with break-ups, and that's always hard.

Emma: But don't you have to date a lot to learn about acting appropriately with the opposite sex?

Wendy: That isn't true for everyone. Many people aren't emotionally prepared to handle the feelings of rejection that go along with break-ups. You can figure that out by interacting with people in group settings. Personally, I think you should focus on your own life goals before marriage instead of being involved in complicated romantic relationships.

Emma: OK, OK. So you believe it's best to have lots of friendships but save the serious relationships until you're finally ready for Mr. Right. Is that it?

Wendy: That's about it! Now, how about some cake with our coffee?


艾瑪: 當然收到了。她要嫁給她的高中情人,你能相信嗎?

溫蒂: 那有什麼不好的?

艾瑪: 薩琳娜一輩子只和喬希約過會而已,她錯失了認識許多男孩的機會。

溫蒂: 你不見得要有很多約會經驗才找到白馬王子。約會對象愈多,要處理分手的情況就愈多,而分手總是令人難受。

艾瑪: 但跟很多人約過會,不是才能學到怎麼得體地跟異性應對嗎?


艾瑪: 好吧好吧,所以你認為最好是跟許多人作朋友,但要等到終於準備好遇見真愛時,再來認真地談戀愛,是不是這樣?




Q1: Did you observe that wonderful nurse __________ for her patients?
(A) cared (B) caring (C) to care (D) care

Q2: Peter is reluctant to ask Sandy to marry him because he fears __________.
(A) rejection (B) terrain (C) commercial (D) priority




... the feelings of rejection that go along with break-ups.
片語 go along with someone 意指「與某人同行前往」;本句中的 go along with something 可以解釋成「伴隨…而來的」。例句:

• Sam always goes along with what Marilyn says because he hates to argue.
• A lot of responsibility goes along with that job title!








(1) B (2) A



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