Ben: Things are going really well. We are definitely in better financial shape than we were a year ago. But to be honest, I'm still worried about having a mortgage. We have a baby now and if anything should happen…
Uncle Bob: It sounds like you need insurance. You should consider getting life insurance that would pay off your mortgage and cover your family's expenses if something happens to you. You might want to think about term insurance. Term insurance provides you with insurance coverage for a fixed period of time, or term. When the term is finished, you are no longer insured, and you stop paying premiums. Sometimes you can get a renewable policy that lets you renew the policy when it ends. Term policies are also apt to cost less than other types of insurance, so you can invest the money you save.
Ben: Term insurance sounds perfect! What's the catch?
Uncle Bob: Well, with term insurance you get flexibility, but you also miss out on the benefits derived from permanent life insurance.
Ben: Interesting. You've given me a lot to think about Uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob: Knowing you'll be insured makes me feel assured.
班 :一切都進行得很順利,我們的財務狀況的確比一年前好多了。但說實話,我仍然很擔心貸款的事,我們現在有了小寶寶,所以如果有任何不測……
巴伯: 聽起來你有需要投保。應該考慮投保人壽保險,日後一旦有什麼不測,就還是能償還貸款,也足以支付家人的開銷。不妨考慮定期保險,定期保險能讓你在一定期間內涵蓋在承保範圍內。等到期限終止時,你將不再被保險,不必再繳保險費了。有時你也可以買可更新保單,這樣就能在到期時更新保單。定期保單也傾向於比其他類型的保險更便宜,這樣一來,省下來的錢還可以再作投資。
班 : 定期保險聽起來實在太完美了!會不會暗藏什麼玄機呢?
巴伯: 這個嘛,定期保險雖然很有彈性,但可能會錯失可以從終身壽險獲得的一些好處。
班 :這點我倒是很感興趣,巴伯叔叔,你告訴我好多事情,我會好好考慮的。