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2012/01/24 第171期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

In Other News
Our fascination with the unknown 我們對未知事物的好奇心  
Legendary explorers Christopher Columbus, Henry Hudson and John Smith all recorded sightings of mermaids. Sea monsters populated the old ships' logs, too. 哥倫布、亨利哈德遜和約翰史密斯等傳奇性的探險家都曾記載目擊過美人魚。舊時的航海日誌中,也充斥著有關海洋怪獸的紀錄。
"The eye sees a fragment and the mind fills in the rest," explains a placard near the entrance to "Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns and Mermaids," a recent exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. These creatures "give shape to humankind's greatest hopes, most terrifying fears and most passionate dreams." 紐約市的美國自然歷史博物館最近舉辦了一場名為「神秘生物:龍、獨角獸和美人魚」的展覽,展區入口處擺放著一座寫著「眼所不及,以頭腦補足」的告示牌。這些生物「形成了人類最遠大的希望、最駭人的恐懼、以及最熱情的夢想。」
The exhibit pulls together drawings, maps and other renderings of mythological beings both famous (the Loch Ness monster) and obscure (hippocampi, bunyips and the Ziz). Much of the display is dedicated to scientific speculation on which living or extinct animals might have inspired these legendary birds, beasts, fish or combinations thereof. 這項展覽集結了著名的(尼斯湖水怪)以及形象難解的(馬頭海怪、本耶普與席茲)神秘生物圖畫、地圖和其他記載的展示品。多數展示品都試著為這些傳說中的鳥類、野獸、魚類或是結合上述各種生物特徵的怪物提供科學性的看法,說明牠們的形象可能來自哪些現存或已滅絕的生物。  
"A lot of these beliefs exist because of fossils and what people originally thought they were," paleontologist Mark Norell, a cocurator of the exhibit, pointed out. Ancient people knew that these were not the bones and footprints of ordinary animals, he clarified — so they must have been from mythical or exotic creatures, or so they thought. 共同策劃這項展覽的古生物學家馬克諾瑞爾指出:「人們對許多神秘生物的認知,都是來自過去原先認為化石是什麼的想法。」他澄清表示,古人知道這些並非尋常動物的骨骼和腳印,因此他們認為這些遺跡絕對是某種神祕或奇異生物所留下的。  
A central Asian dinosaur called protoceratops, for example, "bears an eerie resemblance to the head of a griffin." A folklorist named Adrienne Mayor first drew the connection between the plant-eating beaked dinosaur and the mythical creature with a lion's body and the head of an eagle. 譬如說,一種叫做原角龍的中亞恐龍,「和獅鷲的頭部相似得令人發毛。」一位名為安德里安梅爾的民俗學者最先描繪出這種草食性尖嘴恐龍與獅身鷹頭神秘生物之間的關聯。  
For many years before modern paleontologists started digging up protoceratops fossils, central Asia was traversed by Scythian nomads who would almost certainly have noticed them, according to Norell, who noted how "the skulls were common and stuck up out of the ground." 據諾瑞爾指出,在現代考古學家開始挖堀原角龍化石許多年前,往來中亞的賽西亞游牧民族肯定早就發現了牠們的存在,因為「牠們的頭骨十分常見,而且會從地面突起。」  
World News
Guess who’s not coming to the party? 猜猜看到底誰會缺席?  
Did you know that Earth has an expiration date? Yes, it's Dec. 21, 2012. That's when life as we know it will end. Who says? The ancient Mayans predicted it, Chinese sages wrote of it and many Christians claim it's foretold in the Bible. 你知道嗎?地球是有大限的。沒錯,大限來臨的日子是二○一二年十二月廿一日。就是我們所謂生命將要宣告結束的那一天。誰說的?古代的馬雅人有此預測,中國古聖先賢的說法也有文字記載,許多基督徒也說這是聖經所預言的。
The king of all serpents 巨蛇之王  
Hollywood has commandeered Sweden's biggest literary export, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," without compromising the story's Scandinavian roots or its sense of barrenness, even hopelessness. 好萊塢並沒有和《龍紋身的女孩》的斯堪地納維亞故事背景和其荒蕪乃至於絕望的故事風格妥協,強行翻拍了這部瑞典最暢銷的文學作品。
What to expect in 2012 ... Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! 二Ο一二年可以期待什麼…殭屍!殭屍!殭屍!  
Zombies, the ugly cousin of more popular creatures such as werewolves and vampires, are experiencing a boost of fame that will finally get them some attention, according to Otto Penzler, the editor of a recent anthology devoted solely to zombies, who believes they have been overlooked for too long. 奧圖潘錫勒是最近一本以殭屍為主題的選集編輯,他認為殭屍已經被忽視太久了;而身為狼人和吸血鬼等較具人氣生物的醜陋遠親,殭屍由於近來人氣提昇,終於得到了一些關注。
Some useful guidelines for the upcoming year 龍年實用導覽  
Not all monsters are evil, and not every dragon breathes fire. The Chinese have long considered their fictional giant reptiles to be wise and auspicious. What about you? What concepts do dragons represent to you? 並非所有怪物都很邪惡,也不是每一條龍都會噴火。中國人長久以來都認為這種虛構的大型爬蟲類既聰明又是祥瑞的象徵。你認為呢?龍的形象對你而言代表了什麼概念呢?
Our unending fascination with The End 我們對世界末日永無止境的好奇  
Did you know that the people who understand Mayan culture and the infamous "Maya Long Count" calendar that started all this "end of days" talk chuckle at the hubbub? And they see of it as a "teachable moment." 你知道嗎?了解馬雅文明及惡名昭彰的「馬雅長紀年曆」的人,都開始暗自嘲笑世人對「世界末日」的胡言亂語;除此之外,他們也將這番胡謅視為「機會教育的最佳時機」。
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