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2014/07/30 第245期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份 | 眾文網路書店
本週主題 美國獨立史連載最終回:「人皆生而平等」
這樣用才對 Egg on,讓雞蛋不只是雞蛋
打通英語耳 自己的英文口說自己救!
好康報馬仔 買《遜咖日記8》就抽"神奇8號球"活動倒數最後2天!

【Other Reactions to the Declaration】
Some people pointed out that the Declaration ignored many colonists. Although many women were Patriots, the Declaration did not address their rights. The phrase “all men are created equal” failed to mention women at all. In addition, the Declaration did not recognize the rights of enslaved African Americans. In July 1776 slavery was legal in all the colonies. Some colonists wanted the principle “all men are created equal” to apply to all people. Massachusetts abolished slavery in 1783, and by 1784 the rest of New England also had taken steps to end slavery. Even so, the conflict over slavery continued long after the Revolutionary War had ended.

• address (v.)  處理
• enslave (v.)  奴役
• abolish(v.) 廢除

本文摘錄自《讀出好英文 2》,中文翻譯將會張貼於眾文粉絲團

Egg on,讓雞蛋不只是雞蛋
在看詳細解說以前,先來挑戰看看自己能不能猜出這個例句的意思吧:No matter how much Rodrick eggs me on, I will never tell uncle Charlie how ridiculous his new hairstyle looks.

Egg… on (v.) to encourage someone to do something they should not do

另外,在英式英文中,也有以 have egg on/all over one's face 來表示「丟臉,出醜」的用法。把蛋丟在對方臉上表示讓對方丟臉之意,真的是好生動的比喻啊!以下是 have egg on/all over one's face 的例句:
◆ He was left with egg on his face when his girlfriend dumped him at the dance.




Q9. What are some other international students here for?
Q10. Do you think it's a good thing to have international students on campus?
Q11. Why is it a good thing to have international students on campus?
Q12. What should you do in order to communicate with the international students?


A9. Some other international students are here for a degree.
A10. Yes. I think it's a good thing to have international students on campus.
A11. It is a good thing to have international students on campus because they add to the diversity.
A12. In order to communicate with the international students, I need to better my English.


有解不開的煩惱嗎?去問「神奇8號球」吧 ﹗




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