百變好萊塢導演:史蒂芬•史匹柏 |
While some filmmakers create thought-provoking works of art, others create action-packed blockbusters. Then there's Steven Spielberg, who fits somewhere in between. Spielberg's films don't belong to just one genre. He's made serious films about historical events (as in Saving Private Ryan) as well as some that follow science-fiction themes (as in E.T. and Jurassic Park).
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Perhaps the reason he creates such diverse films is that his inspiration for making them comes from being more than just a successful movie director and producer. So, who is this man behind the camera?
Family Man
Spielberg's home life tops his list of priorities. In fact, he takes his family's interests into consideration when choosing his projects. He has seven children and has admitted that they are the reason behind his cartoon show Animaniacs.
In addition to making movies, Spielberg is involved with television shows and video game development. He even cofounded two businesses: the production company Amblin Entertainment and the entertainment group DreamWorks SKG.
Spielberg is devoted to special causes. After making Schindler's List, which tells the true story of a Nazi businessman, he founded the Shoah Foundation. This organization interviews Holocaust survivors and records their stories for future generations.
Spielberg has a unique influence on the film industry. Years ago, he was the first to introduce the idea of a summer blockbuster with his film Jaws. Today, with the box office success of films like Schindler's List, Spielberg proves to Hollywood that it's possible for movies to both make money and raise awareness of social issues.
有些導演專拍發人深省的電影,有些則偏愛常成為票房保證的動作鉅片。而史蒂芬•史匹柏的影片風格,走的卻是中庸路線。他的電影不單只屬於某種特定的類型,除了有嚴肅的歷史事件〔如《搶救雷恩大兵》(Saving Private Ryan)〕,還有科幻片〔如《E.T.外星人》(E.T.)和《侏儸紀公園》(Jurassic Park)〕
除了電影之外,史蒂芬•史匹柏還擔任了電視劇和電影動畫的製片,他甚至還參與了兩家公司的創立:「安培林娛樂公司」(Amblin Entertainment)和「夢工廠」(DreamWorks SKG)。
史匹柏致力於某些特殊的理念。在拍完《辛德勒的名單》(Schindler’s List)這部講述納粹商人的真實故事之後,他創立了猶太大屠殺紀念基金會(Shoah Foundation),此機構訪問了大屠殺的倖存者,將他們的故事記錄下來,留給後人參考。