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2014/02/14 第193期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂-臺灣的元宵節
【英語學習Plus】 Chasing Cheese 追起司比賽
【本月發燒書】 新多益聽力GO! 金鑰試題1000題1
【好康情報局】 說走就走,趣旅行
The Lantern Festival
The Lantern Festival takes place on the fifteenth day of Chinese New Year. It is often known as the second New Year, or “little New Year,” and it marks the end of the New Year season. During the festival, people make elaborate, beautiful lanterns. In the old days, only the rich were able to make these kinds of lanterns. ......more
<< 節錄「寂天講堂」-臺灣的元宵節 >>
Chasing Cheese 追起司比賽

Chasing after a speeding wheel of cheese may not be everyone’s idea of a fun day out, but for the residents of one small village in England, hurtling down a steep hill trying to catch an escaping cheese is one of their oldest and most valued traditions. The Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling festival, held in the village of Brockworth, is undoubtedly one of the United Kingdom’s weirdest events.

The crowd gathers at the top of a 90 m long slope, and on the count of three a heavy wheel of cheese is released down the hill. Contestants then hurl themselves down the bumpy incline after the cheese. No one is actually expected to catch the cheese itself, as the incredible speed it reaches within seconds of being released makes thatimpossible. However, the first person past the finish line at the bottom gets to keep the cheese as a prize.

Usually taking place on the last Monday in May, the event consists of five separate races down the hill. It won’t come as a surprise to hear that contestants are frequently hurt in pursuit of the rolling cheese. The record to beat is still 1997, when 33 people were hospitalized with sprained ankles, concussions, and broken bones. Being a spectator isn’t any safer, either. Some unlucky onlookers have been hit head-on by the runaway cheese. Fortunately, there are paramedics on standby during the event.

The cheese itself weighs 7 lbs, though for a short time after World War II an even more dangerous wooden cheese was used due to the wartime government’s food conserving policies.

The origins of the festival are believed to be linked to an ancient harvest ritual dating back hundreds of years, although no one is quite sure exactly when or why the event began.

For the past two years the event has been officially canceled due to safety concerns and the growing number of people who want to participate. However, this has not stopped some faithful cheese-chasing enthusiasts from hosting their own unofficial cheese-rolling. The locals’ passion for keeping their rather eccentric tradition alive is, evidently, a very difficult thing to suppress.


群眾聚集在90公尺長斜坡的山頂上,數到三, 一塊沉重的圓形起司滾下山坡,之後參賽者沿著顛簸的斜坡全速俯衝而下,追逐那塊起司。起司在短短幾秒內達到極速,根本不可能有人能夠追得上。不過,第一個通過終點線的人可以把起司抱回家當獎品。

每年五月的最後一個星期一,這個盛會在山坡上舉行,一共有五場比賽。在追逐滾動的起司過程中,參賽者受傷的消息時有所聞。在1997 年創下最多人受傷的紀錄,一共有33人因為腳踝扭傷、腦震盪以及骨折住院。當個旁觀者也未必安全,有些倒楣的圍觀民眾被逃亡的起司打個正著,好在現場有醫護人員全程待命。




<< 本篇選自焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3) >>
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