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2014/07/25 第216期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「如何在選擇題拿高分」
【英語學習Plus】 婚禮文化 The Culture of the Wedding Ceremony
【本月發燒書】 超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】
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婚禮文化 The Culture of the Wedding Ceremony

Many couples wish to carry on the long-established wedding culture of their ancestors, whether or not they reside in the country where it originated. Varying customs and traditions can take place during, before, and/or after the blessed event.

In Western culture, it's conventional for the bride to wear a white dress and face veil, the dress symbolizing purity and the veil symbolizing virginity. The groom wears a formal suit, bow tie, and boutonniere. Numerous societies, many European, have adopted this “white wedding.” Also, it's considered to be good luck for the bride to wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a penny in her shoe.” In America, the wedding ceremony usually takes place at a church, in which case everything matches in color, including flowers, bridesmaids' dresses, and decorations. It may, however, be held in a courthouse or other location, such as an outdoors setting.

Special clothing and decorations are important in most other countries as well. For instance, on the night before an Armenian wedding, the groom's family brings the bride's veil and shoes in beautifully wrapped boxes to the bride's family. At a Czech Republican wedding, the bride wears a rosemary wreath made by her bridesmaids, symbolizing wisdom, love, and loyalty. At an Indian wedding, garlands are presented to the guests of honor to wear.

Concern for the future of the married couple is prominent in many places. This is apparent in China, for a Chinese wedding date is carefully chosen according to birth dates and Chinese zodiac signs in order to assure happiness and prosperity. A Dutch wedding custom is to create a “wish tree” where guests write wishes for the couple's future to hang on tree branches at the reception. Before a German wedding, the bride and groom break dishes into pieces and clean them up together in order to prepare them for life's trials.

Family members often take a very significant role at a wedding. In the case of a Filipino wedding, it is conventional for the grandparents to act as the witnesses. At a French wedding, the groom walks his mother down the aisle before he himself arrives at the altar.

As you can see, each tradition in the culture of the wedding ceremony has a flavor of its own. To showcase it is a beautiful and memorable tribute to the families and honorable guests who are present.




在很多地方,大家對新婚夫婦的未來很關心,特別是在中國。為確保婚姻的幸福美滿,會根據生辰八字和生肖來精心挑選舉行婚禮的日子。荷蘭的婚禮傳統則是建造一棵「許願樹」,來賓們會在入場時寫下對新人的祝福,然後把它們掛在 樹枝上。德國的婚禮在舉行之前,新郎和新娘會將碗盤砸碎,然後一起掃乾淨,這象徵他們對於未來的磨難已做好準備。



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