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2015/07/24 第265期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 3D 印刷 3-D Printing
【本月發燒書】 Learn Smart! 狄克生片語這樣背
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3D 印刷 3-D Printing

Let’s say you wanted a new bike. You’d go to the shop, pick one out, buy it, and later find aspects you’re not quite satisfied with. But, you’ve already paid a lot of money so you should just put up with the small disappointments .

Now imagine the distant future, where you download a design onto your computer, input the measurements, choose the color, and then print a brand new bike into existence in front of your very eyes. Not satisfied with it? Alter the design and print out another one.

This all may sound like science fiction, but this scenario from the distant future actually happened in March 2011. Scientists printed a fully working bicycle, whole, from a 3-D printer.

It was made of nylon, weighed less than half a normal bicycle, and was reported to be as strong as steel. Unlike the process of assembling a bike in a factory, different parts such as gears , pedals , and wheels were printed as a part of the finished bicycle, not connected separately.

3-D printing is based on the principle that any 3-D object is, in essence , made up of many 2-D layers. A thin, powdered layer of the desired material is laid out on a printing tray. Then, a special binding fluid is released, which fuses areas of this powder together into a cross section of the desired item. After the first layer of the cross section is done, the printing tray drops a fraction of a millimeter, and a new layer of powder is applied. Repeating this process results in the gradual formation of a complex shape. For materials such as metals or glass, a laser is used to fuse areas of the powdered layer into shape.

The impact and application of this technology is projected to affect the world economy at its very core. Mass production will become superseded by the ability to customize a product to suit personal needs at no extra expense and at home rather than in a factory. In fact, a basic 3-D printer actually costs less than a laser printer did in 1985, meaning that this is one piece of science fiction that is already a big part of economic reality.







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