The Autumn Colors and Flavors
of Hokkaido
The beauty of Hokkaido in summer and winter
is often talked about. Summer flowers come into bloom and fill the
air with the smell of lavender. In December and January, deep snow
covers the land like a beautiful white blanket. However, there is
great beauty offered by Hokkaido's autumn as well.
Autumn comes earlier to Hokkaido than the
rest of Japan. It turns maples fiery red, and other trees flash
with gold. A wonderful place to see this show of color is in
Daisetsuzan National Park. Visitors can explore its wilderness
and climb rocky peaks without being expert mountain climbers.
Gondola lifts take people to points high on the slopes. From
there, it's only a two-hour hike to the summits. With the display
of fall colors beneath you, you'll find it hard to leave.
北海道的秋天比日本其他地方的更早到來。它使楓樹轉為火紅,讓其他的樹閃耀著金黃色。要觀賞這種色彩秀的一個超棒地點就是大雪山國家公園。觀光客不必是專業的登山員就可以探索它的荒野,登上多岩的山頂。循環式纜車載人們到斜坡的高點。從那裡到山頂只需要兩個小時的健行。因為下方展現的秋色,你會發現你很難捨得離開。  |