The Building Doctor Is In
When you feel sick, you can call a doctor. When your pet
gets injured, you take it to the vet. What do you do when a building starts falling
apart because of age, though? In Taiwan, you can call Lin Da-Wei.
Lin has always been interested in historic buildings and the
stories that go with them. This led him to the field of historic restoration in
Taiwan, where there are many structures needing his help. After a close examination
of a building, Lin will decide on the right treatment, bringing in a special team
to assist him. His skilled work has earned him the nickname Doctor of Historic
林大緯一直對古蹟和伴隨它們的故事很感興趣。這引領他進入台灣古蹟修復的領域,那裡有很多需要他幫助的建築物。在仔細檢視過一棟建築後,林大緯會決定適當的療法,並組一個特別小隊來協助他。他技巧高超的成果為他贏得「古蹟醫生」的綽號。  |