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2014/10/06第200期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Baking Soda: Safe, Useful, and Green
─Debbie Rinehart

Some grooming products, such as facial soaps and toothpastes, contain tiny beads that are made of plastic. These beads work well as cleaning agents, but once they go down the drain, they make their way to lakes, rivers, and oceans. There, they absorb motor oil, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals. Aquatic life and birds mistake these beads for fish eggs and eat them, affecting their health and the safety of the entire food chain.
Governments in Europe and in the United States are considering making the sale of products containing plastic beads illegal. However, regardless of whether such products are on the market, we as consumers can make wise decisions and choose to use products that don't harm the environment.
One such product is baking soda, which has been around for centuries. Most people probably know it as a baking ingredient, but it has many other functions around the house. You can use it to brush and whiten your teeth and scrub your face. A little baking soda in your bathwater can soothe your skin. Not only is baking soda safe for the planet; it's also inexpensive.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.162 10月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
dumbwalking 傻走
隨著智慧型手機普及,低頭族愈來愈多,BBC 駐日記者觀察到行人邊走路邊滑手機,因此常撞到他人,甚至釀成交通意外。
phenomenon 現象
pedestrian 行人
smartphone walk 邊走路邊使用智慧型手機
distracted 分心的
collide 撞上;碰撞

The girl was dumbwalking when she collided with another pedestrian.
2014/10/06 (一) The shepherdess blamed herself for the incident and became sad, but the chimney sweep assured her that the Chinaman could be fixed.

2014/10/07 (二) Through their story, the movie captures themes that represent common struggles in life.

2014/10/08 (三)

One reason this story inspired Lee is the message it carries about the individual's relationship to society.

2014/10/09 (四) Not only is baking soda safe for the planet; it's also inexpensive.

2014/10/10 (五)

Baking soda can be used to clean almost every part of the house.

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