Fighting Back against Cyberbullying
─Mike Corsinii
Bullying has long been a fact of life. This hurtful behavior used to be limited to schools and playgrounds. In recent years, however, a new form of it has emerged: cyberbullying. Young people are connected twenty-four hours a day through text messages, e-mails, and social media. As a result, bullying can now happen anywhere and anytime.
There are many examples of cyberbullying. Someone might use another person's Facebook account and post personal pictures of that person. It could also involve spreading rumors online or sending threatening messages. In many cases, cyberbullies keep their identities hidden, so you may not know who is bullying you. No matter how it's done, cyberbullying can leave people feeling hurt or depressed.
For this reason, it's important to know what to do if you or someone you care about is bullied online. One tip is to avoid responding. Bullies often feed off people's reactions. Another helpful step is to take a picture of your phone or computer screen as proof. That way, cyberbullies won't be able to deny their actions later.
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.172 8月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 |
Useful Exchanges 閒聊、問候實用對答 |
A: I haven't seen you in ages. What have you been up to?
B: Nothing new, really. I've been busy with school lately.
老實說,沒什麼不一樣。我最近在忙學校的事。 |
A: We should get together for lunch sometime.
B: That's a good idea. I'll give you a call next week.
好主意。我下週會打電話給你。 |
A: So, what do you like to do in your free time?
B: I enjoy cooking, and I also like to read novels.
我熱愛烹飪,也喜歡看小說。 |
A: Really? I do, too. Have you read any good ones recently?
B: Many. I could recommend some to you if you'd like.
很多。如果你想要的話,我可以推薦一些給你。 |
A: Have you been working here for long?
B: Not very long. I joined the company last year.
沒有很久。我去年才到這間公司。 |
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