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2016/01/11第231期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

Quick, Simple, and Easy: Mason Jar Meals
—Ted Pigott

In the past, most people took their meals to work or to school in brown paper bags or in lunch boxes. Recently, however, more and more people are turning to a different kind of container for their meals—Mason jars! These jars are made of thick glass. They also have a special lid that seals completely, which makes the jars perfect for storing and transporting food.

Mason jar meals have become popular because they are so easy to make. All you have to do is layer the ingredients on top of each other in the jar. For a salad, you start by pouring the salad dressing into the bottom of the jar. Then, you put in the other ingredients, such as corn, tomatoes, or mushrooms, and finish with the lettuce on top. This way, your lettuce won't get wet and soft from the dressing. When you're ready to eat your salad, simply mix the ingredients in the jar and enjoy!

Mason jars are also great for cereal, oatmeal, and various other foods. It's no wonder, then, that meals in Mason jars have become a favorite among busy people.

在過去,大多數的人用棕色紙袋或午餐盒裝自己的餐點帶去工作場所或學校。然而,最近愈來愈多人開始用一種不同的容器來裝餐點──金屬螺蓋玻璃罐(Mason jars)!這些罐子是用厚玻璃製成的。它們還有一個特殊的蓋子可以完全密封,這使得罐子很適合儲存和運送食物。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.177 1月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
processed meat 加工肉品

red meat 紅肉(豬肉、羊肉、牛肉等)
colorectal cancer 大腸癌
carcinogenic 致癌的
consumption 食用;消耗量
risk 風險、危險

Scientists have pointed out the risks linked to the consumption of red meat.
科學家指出了與食用紅肉有關的危險。 。

sausages 香腸
● bacon 培根
canned meat 肉類罐頭
● ham 火腿
● hot dogs 熱狗
beef jerky 牛肉乾

2016/01/11(一) Their ability to stand the pain proves that they're ready for manhood.

2016/01/12(二) All you have to do is layer the ingredients on top of each other in the jar.


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