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2016/06/13第239期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

In Zurich, Exploring Art and the Outdoors
—Mike Corsini

Switzerland is a well-known winter destination, but it offers lots of fun activities during the summer months, too. Nowhere is this truer than in Zurich. This beautiful city is bordered by a lake to the south and divided in half by a river. Furthermore, its rich cultural displays span centuries, starting in the Middle Ages and going all the way up to modern times. All of these features can be best appreciated in summer.

When the temperatures rise and the sun beats down, many locals head to Lake Zurich for a swim. Several areas of this lake have swimming pools built right in the water. Visitors who prefer to stay dry can simply take a walk along the lake and enjoy the view of the snow-peaked Alps. They could also hire a paddleboat and pedal their way across the water. In the evening, areas along the lake turn into outdoor restaurants that serve tasty food.

Zurich can also be enjoyed on a bicycle. The city lends bikes out for free, so hop on one and head over to the old part of the city, with its stone-paved lanes and fashionable cafes. Be sure to stop and admire the 9th-century Fraumunster Church. You'll recognize it by its tall, green steeple.


《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.182 6月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
I can't thank you enough. 我感激不盡。
I can't thank you enough.以字面意思「我怎麼謝你都不夠」來表示「不勝感激、感激不盡」,用來表達別人幫了自己大忙的感謝。
A: I've fixed your car for you. It should be running smoothly now.
B: I can't thank you enough. You've saved me a fortune in mechanics' fees.

2016/06/13(一) The city lends bikes out for free, so hop on one and head over to the old part of the city, with its stone-paved lanes and fashionable cafes.

2016/06/14(二) Therefore, it's time to look beyond its frosty reputation and consider Zurich for your next summer holiday.


  As soon as you put your hands on your phone, you're tempted to check your e-mail or the latest social media updates.

2016/06/16(四) For example, whoever checks their phone during dinner at a restaurant has to pick up the bill.

2016/06/17(五) Hi. I'm calling to see if you have any rooms available.
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