Enjoy the Ride with Unique Modes of Transportation
—Molly Leonard
It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. One such necessity that has been a constant throughout human history is a means of getting from place to place. Here are a few vehicles that represent some very clever solutions to local transportation needs.
Operating since 1875, the underground funicular Tünel in Istanbul, Turkey spans a half-kilometer between two stations—one at the top and the other at the bottom of a hill. Two cars share a single track which briefly divides in the middle of the tunnel, where the cars narrowly pass each other on each trip.
Part jeep, part bus, the Philippines' jeepneys are famous for their distinct, colorful decoration. Riders crowd onto two long benches inside the vehicle. Once passengers reach their stop, they simply knock on the ceiling, and the driver slows down, allowing them to hop off.
Bangkok, Thailand is sometimes called the Venice of the East, as locals make excellent use of the city's many waterways. To avoid Bangkok's notoriously dense traffic jams, try a canal taxi for a fast, economical ride. You can also check out one of the city's floating markets, where boats are used as mobile shops. Be prepared to bargain!
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.191 3月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 |
Useful Exchanges
A: Would you like to meet up tomorrow for lunch?
你明天想要見面吃個午飯嗎? |
B: Sure! I'll talk to you later to figure out a time and place.
好啊!我晚一點跟你確認時間和地點。 |
A: I'm not sure I can make it to your dinner party tonight. I have to work late.
我不確定今晚能否參加你的晚宴。我得加班。 |
B: That's OK! You can come whenever you get off work. I'll gladly save some food for you.
沒關係!你下班後隨時都可以過來。我會樂意替你留些食物。 |
A: Really? That's so nice of you! In that case, I'll be over as soon as I'm free!
真的嗎?你人真好!那樣的話,我一忙完就過去! |
A: A few of my friends and I are going to the movies on Sunday. Want to come?
我和幾個朋友星期天會去看電影。要一起來嗎? |
B: OK, as long as it's not too late. I have to be back home by dinnertime.
好,只要不是太晚。我晚餐前得回到家。 |
A: I'm going to a concert on Saturday. If you're free, you should come along!
我星期六要去一場音樂會。如果妳有空,妳應該一起來! |
B: Sorry, I can't. I'm going to be out of town that day.
抱歉,我沒辦法去。我那天要出遠門。 |
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