A Word to the Wise: The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language
—Ben Bousada
To many people, the point of learning a second language may not be very obvious. You may wonder: If all your friends and family speak the same language, what is the advantage of learning a second one? Well, scientists might just have an answer for you. Recently, several studies have shown that learning a second language may provide benefits that go beyond being able to speak with different groups of people—it may actually make you smarter!
Studies have indicated that compared with those who speak only one language, bilingual people perform better on mental tasks such as problem-solving, planning, and memory recall. Those who speak two languages have also been proven to excel at focusing on useful information while ignoring distracting information. In regard to social advantages, bilingualism has actually been suggested to improve a person's ability to perceive the emotions of others.
Surprisingly, the ability to speak a second language may even aid in the prevention of mental disorders. It has been demonstrated that when a person ages, bilingualism delays the effects of dementia and can even increase the likelihood of recovering from a stroke.
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.192 4月號Live互動英語雜誌 》 |
Useful Exchanges 電話應答實用對答 |
A: Can I call you back? There's something I need to take care of right now.
我再回電給你好嗎?我現在有事需要處理。 |
B: Sure, call me back later.
沒問題,晚點打給我。 |
A: Can you say that again? I can't really hear you very well.
你可以再說一次嗎?我聽得不是很清楚。 |
B: Sorry, it's a little noisy in here. Let me step outside. Hold on.
抱歉,這裡有點吵。讓我去外面。等一下。 |
A: Hello?
哈囉? |
B: Hey, Ken. It's Rich. How are you?
嘿,肯。我是瑞奇。你好嗎? |
A: It was great talking to you, Gina! Take care!
吉娜,很高興跟妳聊天!保重! |
B: Likewise, Frank! Goodbye!
法蘭克,我也是! 再見! |
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